Mm. IMDb is... ugh. I'd rather discuss films here. :dunno:
GameFaqs has it's issues too, but the comic board at least used to be good. Had an account there for over a decade, but rarely use it anymore. Sometimes though...
Oh, and...
By the way, I believe excellent places as follows...
Shift-0 (0) -> Feeble (2) -> Poor (4) -> Typical (6) -> Good (10) -> Excellent (20) -> Remarkable (30) -> Incredible (40) -> Amazing (50) -> Monstrous (75) -> Unearthly (100) -> Shit-X (150) -> Shift-Y (200) -> Shift-Z (500) -> Class 1000 (1000) -> Class 3000 (3000) -> Class 5000 (5000) -> Beyond (∞).
Captain America and Batman would be, like, Amazing... three full tiers above excellent!
Lmao!! Not to derail the thread, but you know who I really hate and they are the blandest hero ever and thank fuck they rarely show up. Karate Kid! Possibly the best martial artist in the DCU and possibly one of the worst characters.
And for some reason your Batman and Captain America sentence comes up in my post when I quote you, but not in your original post lol