Barack Obama's action figure is so cool


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
::laughs my fucking ass off at the lightsaber duel pic:: Darth Vader vs. Master Obama's mastery... WHO.WILL.WIN?!
so much marketing for failed hopes
*Hangs head and shakes it in shame*


.......... seriously?......

After the Obama plates, and coins, and shirts, and ties, and other crap... this really necessary?............................

.... Calgon...... take me away!
*Hangs head and shakes it in shame*


.......... seriously?......

After the Obama plates, and coins, and shirts, and ties, and other crap... this really necessary?............................

.... Calgon...... take me away!

Really is that what you think? I think they're really really cool! :D
Really is that what you think? I think they're really really cool! :D

I am a total action figure DORK. I have spent more money on them than I should! However, I am worn out on the OBAMA merchandise.

Okay, the guy is the first black President...

Does that mean EVERYONE has to try and make a $ off the guy???

Merchandising is WAY overdone, and I am tired and ashamed of it.

It cheapens the historical importance.