"Do as I say, not as I do"
Ok I guess its my duty to make people see reality
That's it ? I'm disapointed I was hoping for more, for something more imaginative, more secret.These speeches are bribe payments.
"Do as I say, not as I do"
As I understand it, this speech is part of a healthcare conference.
It's not as if he's giving a lecture on how to subvert the measures he took to reign in Wall Street abuses.
Trump's already busy tearing those down anyway.
:1orglaugh @ another Obama bashing thread
Guess I better check to see what our jackass in chief has been up to today
PS: Sho nuff, I see he was on Face The Nation, doing his usual shtick. A lot of rambling, backtracking, double speaking, victim playing and self glorification.
"The relationship I have with China, it's been already acclaimed as being something very special, something very different than we've ever had."
Oh look, just like his first 100 days were the best we've ever had *lol*
Meanwhile Pence is busy granting the new tax code could cause an increase in the deficit, but only in the "short term". Uh huh. Sure. If you say so, Mike
Just as I thought, you cannot defend it.
Yes, please, enlighten us with a piece of your knowledge, your wisdom. You're so intelligent and wise while we are so ignorant and dumb
That's it ? I'm disapointed I was hoping for more, for something more imaginative, more secret.
Paid sppeches are just bribes, wow, that's a scoop !
Very little, actually nothing is know about Shakespeares life between 1585 and 1592, when he was about 25 to 32 years of age.
When I read some of Shakespeares stories in high school, I felt that they were boring and overly melodramatic.
Shakespeare was a woman, or his stories were written by a female ghostwriter.