this is just one of the reasons that makes phil ivey the cooles muthafuka on the planet.
maredsous You avin' a laugh? Apr 13, 2010 #1 this is just one of the reasons that makes phil ivey the cooles muthafuka on the planet. Attachments ivey.jpg 58.8 KB · Views: 207
maredsous You avin' a laugh? Apr 13, 2010 #5 the fucked up thing about it is he probably lost it all playing craps on his way out of the casino.
F feller469 Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL. Apr 13, 2010 #6 i left a wad on the floor and the girlfriend freaked out. said something about staining the carpet or the dog was gonna pee there later
i left a wad on the floor and the girlfriend freaked out. said something about staining the carpet or the dog was gonna pee there later
cl0ckw0rkman Apr 13, 2010 #7 feller469 said: i left a wad on the floor and the girlfriend freaked out. said something about staining the carpet or the dog was gonna pee there later Click to expand... yup-yup damn near gots my face rubbed in it!
feller469 said: i left a wad on the floor and the girlfriend freaked out. said something about staining the carpet or the dog was gonna pee there later Click to expand... yup-yup damn near gots my face rubbed in it!