"Awkward" Question for Miss California at Miss USA Padgeant LOL

I don't agree with her, but at least she was honest.

"Off-topic" though, am I the only one who is bored with the supermodel ideal? I mean sure, they look pretty nice, but they're dull and predictable. It's like having a Ferrari with no engine. Sure it's nice to look at, but you can't picture yourself doing anything with her.
I don't agree with her, but at least she was honest.

"Off-topic" though, am I the only one who is bored with the supermodel ideal? I mean sure, they look pretty nice, but they're dull and predictable. It's like having a Ferrari with no engine. Sure it's nice to look at, but you can't picture yourself doing anything with her.

Yeah, kind of. These padgeants are obviously a PC event (there is an obvious agenda). And yeah, I personally would want a girl who looked a little more girl next doorish than a lot of these bimbos.


Hiliary 2020
Oh wow.......oh wow.
oh wow.
Why the fuck would they ask those questions?
political questions?

And of course to the judges there is a right answer and a wrong.

sad and pathetic, and scary.
Oh wow.......oh wow.
oh wow.
Why the fuck would they ask those questions?
political questions?

And of course to the judges there is a right answer and a wrong.

sad and pathetic, and scary.

Agree 100 pct. They ask her a personal belief question (presumably 1 side or the other would be acceptable), she gives a personal belief answer and is criticized on it because she gave the politically incorrect answer.

I guess they expected her to say she does believe in gay marriage so they could all then cheer??

They should stick to asking these bimbos what their favorite color is and questions that illicit the ubiquitous response, "world peace" and everything should be okay.


Closed Account
Why do they even bother asking questions? I mean really, do these chicks even make a difference in life?

Do we really give a fuck what they think?
I think it was the way she answered that cost her not particularly the answer it self and I agree that maybe they should keep hot button topics away from pageants. Also, what makes them bimbos?:dunno:


Hiliary 2020
I think it was the way she answered that cost her not particularly the answer it self and I agree that maybe they should keep hot button topics away from pageants. Also, what makes them bimbos?:dunno:

the way she answered?
she answered directly and with a smile!
good for her.
so shes not miss usa but at least she didnt sell out.

she is probably rich, she is beautiful, she'll be ok without or without that title.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I wish she would have leaned forward and given that twat, Perez Hilton a smack on the nose with a rolled up newspaper. Her views are her own and the fact that she didn't shy from the question speaks volumes about her character. I don't mind homos getting equal treatment when it comes to getting the same kind of benefits but it doesn't mean I have to accept their choice of lifestyle or the sanctioning of their union.

She is a beautiful girl, though.
Sometimes ones' personal honesty is not always the pouplar reply. Good for her for saying how she feels. Then again, I am sad for her narrow view on gay marriage.

It's refreshing to have someone not always give the 'perfect' reply, instead, their honest one.

Beauty pageants are a joke, but has anybody ever wondered why they are judged by minor celebrities and not some people that have been a part of the pageant scene a long time or are professionals at it? It would be like having an ice skating competition and instead of the normal types of judges those events have they go and randomly pick some people out of the audience to do it.
Beauty pageants are a joke, but has anybody ever wondered why they are judged by minor celebrities and not some people that have been a part of the pageant scene a long time or are professionals at it?

Question, Answer
Oh wow.......oh wow.
oh wow.
Why the fuck would they ask those questions?
political questions?

And of course to the judges there is a right answer and a wrong.

sad and pathetic, and scary.

Yeah, I mean, what do politics have to do with it? Now hearing them talk gives you a glimpse into their personality, to see whether they're as beautiful inside as they are outside, but just because she doesn't agree with one of the judges on a POLITICAL issue, does that make her any less attractive? When a question like that comes along, the girl is fucked if she agrees or fucked if she disagrees. The judge may agree with her answer but then again what about the public? Then there would be an outcry from the public about what an awful answer she gave.

At least she was honest otherwise she would have ended up sounding like that South Carolina girl a couple years ago when I guess she was trying to answer a politically difficult question in a way that pleased everyone but ended up being understood by nobody.
flamboyant flamers like mizz Hilton do themselves a disservice. They are not helping their cause at all. The comments on some of the links I posted are quite the opposite of what mizz Hilton would like to hear. For her to have gotten such a question is unnacceptable. And I agree that the "judges" were hardly qualified at all.
Hilton obviously gave her a bad score to prove what power he had over her. Her answer didn't match his so he got bent out of shape about it. He needed a rolled up newspaper for sure. I'm not surprised he was a judge there. They don't actually have to be qualified. Shame.

Honestly, I'm happy she stood up for what she believes no matter what it is. At least she has that in lieu of the crown. On the other hand, even I know they don't really want an opinion from these girls. They want neutrality coming from a pretty face to prove that the pageant and winning the crown isn't just about looks but what the girl "thinks".