Average Female....

Hello dear friends here I am going to start new thread of Alex Series... :)

Friends, I am always fascinated about the secrets. Now a new concept comes into my mind... Last night I was thinking about the fact that average female get Naked in front of at least 9-10 people... if little extra bold then 16-18 people...

What do you think about it??

Here we are talking about normal girls in our locality with little boldness. not about pornstars or whores :)...

I think this figures are not exactly right... it is near to right... What do you think?

Average female get naked in front of how many people????
yeah maybe back in the day, but half the 16 year old girls on myspace probably sent pics of their asses out to all of their 2000 friends.
:D I was talking about Live not pics or vids.. or cams .... in actual...

so many times when a girl get naked to please her Boy Friend and boy betray, Click pics and publish over net then the girl got naked in front of Millions... :D

This is not the topic....

Here we are about to talk about a girl not a net addict or not a slut...
ehh well figure about 2 in high school, about 6 to 10 in college, maybe about 6 to ten more till they get married, assuming they stay married and don't cheat i'd say yeah on average 15-20 guys.
minimum in H.S. - 1
minimum in college - 2
minimum between college and married - 2
minimum married - 1
minimum after marriage (most get divorced or cheat) - 2

That's an average minimum of 8.

The average max- who knows. There are some freaks out there who are not whores or porn stars.
Sir, you confuse me on so many levels.:dunno:


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
This topic is mostly guesswork, but.. :shrug: I mean if they're interested in it, why not ask around?

I mean besides.. that fact.. that you'll never really know the average.
I assume you're asking how many partners the average woman will have?

Awhile back I read somewhere that an average american woman will have three to four partners. That number was more like 5 in France. Corresponding numbers for men were something like 11 and 15. But of course you're going to get men over-reporting and women under-reporting so wtf knows.
Dear actually this topic is not about only sex or intercourse... this is just to guess the number of times a girl strips her cloths willingly it may be infront of doctor or for any thing may be sex...
here is my calculation:-

1) When a girl is under 4 year --- 10-20 male (as child strips cloths just because they don't like cloths).
2) In high school--- 1-2 males
3) In college--- 3-5 males
4) After college and before marriage(in span of 2-3 years of office work or not on job)-- 2-3 males
5) After marriage --- 1-5 (Depending on satisfaction level)

We sum up maximum assumption = 35
we Have 5 levels in girls life so 35/5= 7
Adding approx 4 voyeurs = 7+4 =11

According to me average girls get naked willingly in front of 11 People in whole life...
Sir, you confuse me on so many levels.:dunno:

Ditto here.

I have friends who are strippers. The number of people who will see them naked is exorbitantly higher than that of someone who is, say, a cashier at the local Wal Mart.
Hello dear friends here I am going to start new thread of Alex Series... Friends, I am always fascinated about the secrets. Now a new concept comes into my mind... Last night I was thinking about the fact that average female get Naked in front of at least 9-10 people... if little extra bold then 16-18 people... Dream On !!!
What do you think about it?? Hell No! Here we are talking about normal girls in our locality with little boldness. not about pornstars or whores :)...
I think this figures are not exactly right... it is near to right... What do you think?
Average female get naked in front of how many people????
The guy who shot girls running naked and wild just got out of prison. You confused me, why don't you go naked in front of 10 people in the street where you live ?

Our culture does not allow that, don't you understand.

Unless you are in an art class and pose as a nude model. Get it !

P.S. They do that in UK soccer match running naked, try it and the cop will arrest YOU ! May be they do that in India ! :sleep: