Avengers - SPOILERS!!!

For Hans and Bluejay, per their suggestion. ;-)

Hans: Yeah, same thing happened to me - my eyeballs were floating. The teaser was at the VERY END. I went back into the theater, and was able to see it. // It showed Nick Fury and Agent Maria Hill driving, with chaos around them. Hill first disappears, and then the camera goes to Fury. He starts disintegrataing, and says, "Hell no .. you mother .." As he's disintegrating, he pulls a pager out of his pocket. As it falls to the ground, it displays "Sending ..." and then an 8-sided star.

I Googled what the ending meant, and the icon / symbol is for Captain Marvel. Which is coming out in the interim / between the two Avengers movies. *I* have an idea of how Part II will go, but I'll keep it to myself.

Bluejay: Was surprised they disintegrated Quill. He is part-God!

General: I foresaw Thanos using the time infinity stone to get the remaining stone from Vision. Did other folks?
I did expect Thor with his pretty new axe to kick Thanos's arse at the end. But I guess that would have only made for one movie, maybe next time. If not him, then I want to see Banner go all Hulk and win round 2. He's supposed to get stronger the harder you hit him and they've had him lose once and almost lose (if it wasn't for Jeff Goldblum cheating) in two movies. He's due a god like win.

Interesting how all of the original Avengers didn't get dusted, just the addons.

I didn't think about the him using the time stone, but after he turned half of everyone to dust, I did start thinking about what Dr Strange said about it being the only way. I could be wrong (I am with these things fairly often), but I think he was up to something sneaky at the end there.

I loved how it was the Red Skull watching over the Soul Stone. A nice wee touch, I also don't think that was a straightforward as implied either.

I do see them all coming back though, especially Black Panther, after all of the fuss they made about the all (99.99999%) black cast. They wouldn't kill off such a box office sucess. Too cynical?
I'm not that familiar with The Hulk. For example - in the first movie with Eric Bana, I believe at the end, him and The Abomination are attacked with a nuke - and The Hulk survives. I *think* that was beyond his capability in the comics!!

From this Avengers movie: I think the reason why Banner couldn't "Hulk out" was that The Hulk got his ass kicked by Thanos, and didn't want that to happen to him again!

Of Strange's 14,000,605 outcomes - he said he saw ONE with Thanos losing. I think Iron Man had to play a role in that one win, which is why Strange gave up the time stone to save him.
That's my thought too. Hulk doesn't want to lose. They should give him the win though.

And that's sort of what I was thinking. Giving up the stone was the one occasion where they'd win.
Saw the movie on Monday enjoyed it a lot. Wasn't too surprised about much because I can still remember some of Jim Starlin's story from 1991.

BTW the schedule for MCU is Ant-Man & Wasp later this year, then Captain Marvel 3/9/19 and Avengers 4 on 5/4/19.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
I loved it so much. Didn't tear up or anything since I'm a big comic book geek so I know the source material a lot more people died in graphic, horrific ways. I've seen it twice now, and will probably see it again. I was smiling so hard from the get-go, especially when the Marvel Studios had the 10 morph into it. It's been a fun 10 years.

I see a lot of people complaining about Star-Lord's actions, but I would have probably done the same thing if I was him. He watched his mom die, had his entire childhood taken away, found his real dad and killed him, and had his adopted father die. Dude has been through a lot. The one thing he thought he could hold onto was Gamora, and now she's gone.
Yeah, Starlord did a double fuck-up. Didn't kill Gamora - so Thanos got the Soul Stone. Then, enabled Thanos to win the battle on Titan, when he appeared to be contained by the others, during a battle.

You can also add Scarlet Witch to that list. Vision is cool and everything - but he is source code, and an Infinity Stone. She should have shattered the stone when he first asked her to..
and just to think.. it was Nebula who grabbed the gauntlet from thanos and returned all the super heroes back to life in the comic series..
and just to think.. it was Nebula who grabbed the gauntlet from thanos and returned all the super heroes back to life in the comic series..

That would be a nice touch in part 2. Knowing Hollywood though, it'll be Thor, Captain America or Iron Man sorting it all out.