I took this picture at work...
H hardgore May 14, 2011 #1 I took this picture at work... Attachments 15102008849d.jpg 90.7 KB · Views: 283
H hardgore May 14, 2011 #3 Nobody got hurt, but they didn't fix it either. The firehose on the wall broke of. I'm just happy, that I wasn't part of the cleanup crew.
Nobody got hurt, but they didn't fix it either. The firehose on the wall broke of. I'm just happy, that I wasn't part of the cleanup crew.
B bustybbwlover May 14, 2011 #7 i had that problem when i worked at home depot cuz some dumbass stacked concrete like that....it lead to a ton or two of concrete to shovel up p.s. a pallet of 60 lb bags of concrete weighs about two tons so no your 3/4 ton truck can't hang
i had that problem when i worked at home depot cuz some dumbass stacked concrete like that....it lead to a ton or two of concrete to shovel up p.s. a pallet of 60 lb bags of concrete weighs about two tons so no your 3/4 ton truck can't hang
vodkazvictim Why save the world, when you can rule it? May 15, 2011 #9 Mr_Balls said: Can you get special freeone's deals on wine? Click to expand... All the whine you want
Mr_Balls said: Can you get special freeone's deals on wine? Click to expand... All the whine you want
H hardgore May 15, 2011 #11 Here's another picture that I took. Both boxes are filled with wine bottles, they got it down without something bad happened. Attachments 03072007007c.jpg 90.2 KB · Views: 201
Here's another picture that I took. Both boxes are filled with wine bottles, they got it down without something bad happened.
squallumz knows petras secret: she farted. May 15, 2011 #12 someone doesn't know how to stack pallets. it could be me..
F feller469 Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL. May 15, 2011 #14 I guess the "Don't stack more than two high" was behind the stack