At least we are safe from diaper bombs on planes

"Meet Mikey Hicks," said Najlah Feanny Hicks, introducing her 8-year-old son, a New Jersey Cub Scout and frequent traveler who has seldom boarded a plane without a hassle because he shares the name of a suspicious person. "It’s not a myth."

Michael Winston Hicks’s mother initially sensed trouble when he was a baby and she could not get a seat for him on their flight to Florida at an airport kiosk; airline officials explained that his name "was on the list," she recalled.

The first time he was patted down, at Newark Liberty International Airport, Mikey was 2. He cried.

After years of long delays and waits for supervisors at every airport ticket counter, this year’s vacation to the Bahamas badly shook up the family. Mikey was frisked on the way there, then more aggressively on the way home.

It is true that Mikey is not on the federal government’s "no-fly" list, which includes about 2,500 people, less than 10 percent of them from the United States. But his name appears to be among some 13,500 on the larger "selectee" list, which sets off a high level of security screening.

Good. I hate whiny, loud babies and their smelly diapers along with the annoying kids kicking the back of seats on plane flights! Keep them all off! :tongue:
"who has seldom boarded a plane without a hassle because he shares the name of a suspicious person"

Then later in the article it mentions in passing that the kids dad is also named Michael Hicks.




Closed Account
Ha! Beat me to it. A better title, but not sympathetic. I would have been nicer - which is probably one of the reasons why my threads fizzle. Anyway didn't Mickey change his name, to Francois?


As a parent and a pro-baby person, I feel the "crying and fussing" stress is Nature's way of weeding out the unnatural non-parent types from the species. True, I wish to strike whiny, bratty 2-8 year olds heavily about the head, but I would never actually hit o.p.'s kids. And my own has not had a "spanking" in over 5 years, but I have no problem with a crying baby as that is a most natural and harmless, a babbling drunk chaps my ass and brings out the "strike about the head" impulse, but that's another story.

On this subject...It's gotta make ya wonder how a reported Nigerian with a cash paid, one-way ticket with no luggage aroused no undue suspicion, but a kid with an American name gets over-checked from the age of 2 to 8 years old.
Obama's new appointee feels the Islamic jihadis are a rare and small problem, but fundamental Christians and Survivalists are the REAL problem...wait'll he gets in and starts scrutinizing all those bomb toting Vets and UberChristians...we'll be sooo much safer then, the Jihadis will be laughing too hard to assemble their bombs.
Dammit! I was just about to post this! :cussing:


damnit... i thought this was about babies being banned from planes... and eventually all public places. why must you give me false hope only to take it away? WHYYYYYYYYY?