Ask me "lucky4" any question....

Since it's a growing trend, and I'm bored feel free to ask me any question you want. I will answer as honestly as possible. No haters
What's Ohio like?
The weather is nice because you get to see all 4 seasons, but since I live near Lake Erie, I tend to get more snow then the rest of the state. It's fairly laid back and great place to live if you like fishing golf, and it actually has a pretty good night life
Is that Gauge in your avatar?
Has to be Millenium Force, although the wooden one is also amazing. I think it's called Mean Streak

I have not been there for YEARS, and they might have changed the name, but I think it was Blue Streak. I went to that place twice a summer from ages 10 thru 18.....good times!
I have not been there for YEARS, and they might have changed the name, but I think it was Blue Streak. I went to that place twice a summer from ages 10 thru 18.....good times!

That might be it. CP is amazing. I lived in Ohio for 5 years before I went for the first time, and I've been there every year since. I try to make it once or twice a year
Embarrassment to Ohio.
Since it's a growing trend, and I'm bored feel free to ask me any question you want. I will answer as honestly as possible. No haters

I wanna be polite. I really do, but I feel compelled, driven to ask, why the fuck are we reading another one of these "Ask me anything" threads?

The "growing trend" you speak of is now a pain in the ass. The bandwagon is officially full.

Think of something original and try again.
I wanna be polite. I really do, but I feel compelled, driven to ask, why the fuck are we reading another one of these "Ask me anything" threads?

The "growing trend" you speak of is now a pain in the ass. The bandwagon is officially full.

Think of something original and try again.

I'm fairly certain that if I feel like starting a new thread (whether it's bad or good), I can. While this may not be something you or other members like, a better choice for you might be not to read it. When I see threads that I think are stupid, I simply don't read them and move on. Going forward if you're just going to be dumb, save your :2 cents: and let the thread die.


I'm fairly certain that if I feel like starting a new thread (whether it's bad or good), I can. While this may not be something you or other members like, a better choice for you might be not to read it. When I see threads that I think are stupid, I simply don't read them and move on. Going forward if you're just going to be dumb, save your :2 cents: and let the thread die.

Why not just dance the Macarena? :dunno: