What was the last book you read and movie you saw?
And the last good band you saw in concert?
Well first thing welcome to Freeones.So what do you plan on doing after you leave the business:wave:
Hi Jayda! Welcome aboard! :wave2:
I was wondering, just who let the dogs out?![]()
Thanks for answering my question, Jayda.
Here's another one: Ninjas or Pirates?
I do lean a bit farther towards the Cleveland Browns & Cleveland Cavaliers teams!
Fuck Art Modell FOREVER!
I found out early in my sexual growth that I actually cum harder when doing anal, so it was a natural for me to go in that direction, but at the same time... even with mega desire to take it up the ass so to speak (lol) it still took massive amounts of practice to take it like I can today!
O.K. Jayda, time to throw somebody under the bus... what was the worse shoot you've done and who was the lamest fuck???
Thanks for answering my question, Jayda.
Here's another one: Ninjas or Pirates?
1) Where do you like to go on vacation?
2) Is Europe an option? (nudge nudge!)
3) Do I have to shave my back?
You bastard! Not this pirate vs. ninja again.
Jayda, why must you taunt me by looking like my ex-girlfriend?
What did you think of the Browns draft pick?
...p.s. I hear they are trying to trade up and take Clausen now.
Jayda why do birds...suddenly appear.......everytime.......you are near?! :lovecoupl
Welcum to FreeOnes darlin'!!
Always good to see another Browns fan.....I plan on pissing on modell's grave one day....wanna come along with me and watch out for the cops??!!
We have similar likes in anal sex too....though I tend to be a pitcher more than a catcher...LOL Would love to play catch with you!!!
PS You need to update your location......I did an extensive search behind me, and didn't find you. I did find $1.69 in change under the couch cushions though :banger:
Nice, smart ass reply to my last question. I may have some use for you after all. Excellent! :yinyang:
If you choke a smurf, whay color does it turn?