Ask An Asshole.......


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In the spirit of Ask A British Person, or Ask An American, I started a thread dedicated for those of you with questions for an asshole. I myself have perfected the fine art of being an asshole, so I can assure you, any question you may have can, and will, be answered to it's fullest potential by myself, or other asshole members. (Not to be named here, but you know who you are.) Ask away, so an asshole can save the day! :thumbsup: :D

Lacey Black

Official Checked Star Member
In the spirit of Ask A British Person, or Ask An American, I started a thread dedicated for those of you with questions for an asshole. I myself have perfected the fine art of being an asshole, so I can assure you, any question you may have can, and will, be answered to it's fullest potential by myself, or other asshole members. (Not to be named here, but you know who you are.) Ask away, so an asshole can save the day! :thumbsup: :D

You are to nice to be an asshole!!! hehe =]


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If I saw some asshole giving a speech, what should I throw at him?

First of all, if you see anyone giving a speech, odds are they are an asshole. First you'd definitely want to start yelling obnoxious things like "Go Suck Your Mother's Schlong" Don't be afraid to get that intellectual with them. Then you start lobbing things at them. Tomatoes at too cliche, so I'd start with a potato, then gradually work your way up to a watermelon.
Hello asshole, why is it that when Im walking along the street minding my own business do women pull their children away from my path and then walk away as fast as possible? Could it be that im putting off some sort of vibe that women dont like their children being around? Or is it that they've heard that whilst walking down the street I've trampled at least 6 children to death, I didnt mean to but I cant see them down there, children are to small goddammit!!! How would they know this, I was made to move from the area where the so called "Giant Massacre" took place?

I suppose they've seen me in the newspapers ir I look like a weirdo? One of the two I think
tits, if you want to throw something, throw some semen, like in Silence of the Lambs. that always cheers everyone up.

to your question blueballs, have they seen you in the newspaper or do you just look like a weirdo? I think it's probably because they've read your posts on free ones.

my question is why real men don't spit?
I was wondering: if Senob is bowing down and grab himself by his ankles while his jeans is you see an asshole or just a cute little butt that has to be spanked?:D
I've been an asshole for most my life. Over the last few years, I've actually become nice. Is this permanent like the grinch? or can I go back to the dark side again someday? I'll hang up and listen for your answer. Thanks.
I was wondering: if Senob is bowing down and grab himself by his ankles while his jeans is you see an asshole or just a cute little butt that has to be spanked?:D

Neither, Eric.

What you see is a gigantic wormhole leading to a parallel galaxy populated only by men :eek:
to your question blueballs, have they seen you in the newspaper or do you just look like a weirdo? I think it's probably because they've read your posts on free ones.

Well, I suppose if thats the case I dont have a chance.

Run children, run for your lives!!!
I was wondering: if Senob is bowing down and grab himself by his ankles while his jeans is you see an asshole or just a cute little butt that has to be spanked?:D

This question has stumped all the great thinkers from all great civilizations..from the Greeks, to the Egyptian pharaohs, the Founding Fathers...

I believe the Chef has solved this ancient connundrum...


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Why so brown?

While most assholes remain with that lickable glimmer of brown shadow around the hole, it's not all assholes that are brown. Some assholes are bleached, and are even more attractive than the brown ones; some might argue either case. But our "brownness" is most surely dedicated to shit. We assholes love shit, and love to shit. It's our absolute favorite thing, next to an occasional finger, or if you're risky enough, a giant black cock. We wouldn't be so brown if we got more stimulation. So please, to all of you asshole lovers, "Go Ahead. Stick It In. She'll Only Be Angry For A Minute. Then She'll Thank You For Eternity." :D