Asian Kyonyu Hitoduma?

I found her here

as you can see, the images don't work, so You can only save them in a small version. I tinyeye'd every one of the images, but every search lead to the name "Kyonyu Hitoduma". Now, when I search for this name, I find nothing...
Which makes me wonder if it's truly her name...

So, you guys know her?

here's a bigger version of one of the I found

and another one


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You Might try searching for more of her at, but you won't find her there under that name.
"no face" galleries are common there and that blue sweater pic looks familiar
thx, I'll keep it in mind

here's another picture btw

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oow, HITOZUMA, I thought you just retyped my title... ow well, if you search for Hitozuma, you'll get results of a Hentai Doujinshi all the time, but not a bad idea to search further ;)
there are a lot of asian girls on boopedia, I've gone through half of them already, but that site is pretty slow o.o I'll do the next half later xD