Ashlee Simpson Fucks Up on SNL

click here for the vid.

she fucks up, everyone looks at each other, she jumps on stage, walks off, and it cuts to commercial. :scream:
Thats pretty fucked up.
Goblin said:
She actually blamed her band at the end of the show.

ya that seems like a fucked up thing to do in my opinion. like its there fault that the lip sinc machine played the wrong song.
i know this sounds gay but i have watched her show a few times and she does seem to have all sorts of problems with her throat. she went to the doctor and he droped a cammera down you lerynx and she had a huge growth on her vocal cords. i mean people are giving her shit but what the fuck most if not all big acts use prerecorded tracks, in one way or an other, in there shows.


Not only is she a great singer, she is a great dancer too! :D

Ok, all cracks aside, I really like her album. I know its engineered and all, but what album isn't today?

That looked so embarrasing :o I feel bad for her.
Yeah, but isn't the key word in "Saturday Night Live" the word "LIVE". Otherwise it'd be "Saturday Night Lipsync".

Who remembers Milli Vanilli? It was so bad that one of them killed himself.
Viper said:
Yeah, but isn't the key word in "Saturday Night Live" the word "LIVE". Otherwise it'd be "Saturday Night Lipsync".

Who remembers Milli Vanilli? It was so bad that one of them killed himself.

ya your right the heroin had nothing to do with him killing himself!:turnturn:
Most SNL performances are done lip syncing. Its expected.

But she got caught and blamed her band.

And a lot of rock albums aren't engineered as much as pop is.

It is... but I wouldn't say as extremely. Pop music is almost all engineered.

(But!!!) If youve ever seen Kid Rock live you will see that engineering rock music is possible.
backtracking is very common
I've never really seen her before (I try to stay away from pop stars as much as possible). She's really not all that great looking. Tons of makeup, no ass, and a god awful dancer.