
I will fight you over her. Step motherfucker
I don't really understand the fascination with her. Yeah, she's attractive but shes nothing special. I don't know, just not that into adult women who kind of look like teenagers. Sure she's 'hot' but she's not worth all the attention she gets.
Yeah, I feel a little guilty liking her because she does look like a schoolgirl, but fuck it she's legal and she's beautiful. A flawless face. Whenever she is on TV I can't stop looking at her. Sue me.
I have this vidclip where she sings a medley of 2 songs. The 1st song is a piece of Whitney Houston's How Will I Know. I swear ... it can arguably be said that Ariana out-Whitney Houston-ed Whitney Houston! :shock: And that is saying something. For sure Ariana is not just another of the many fabricated young Pop Stars that don't actually have genuine singing talent. I agree, animus. Ariana can SING!animus fox said:Sue me too. She's in her early 20's so is like 4 or 5 years beyond legal. That Mariah Carey-esque voice does it for me as well.