Hi this is from my blog, which io can´t post links here, so here it is.
"Are you ugly? A liar like me? A user, a lost soul? Someone you don’t know. Money it’s no cure A Sickness so pure Are you like me? Are you ugly?"
This is the the beginning of song by The Exies, however, some people feel that way and is like the lyrics are written by oneself. Is beauty a subjective matter? Maybe there is an absolute deep inside relativity. Despite it always depends on the eye of the beholder (sometimes beer holder if you are drunk) beauty has some patterns depending of society, ethnicity, useage and customs. For example, not so many guys will deny Jessica Simpson is pretty. She can be dorky and clumsy, but she is not ugly. In the same way, a girl won´t feel attracted to Rowan Atkinson (Mr Bean). No matter, what your have been thought, there is an instintive repulsion to what you don´t feel comfortable to look at.
Is there a solution for ugly people? Can I dream of having a pretty girl infatuated with me? As I have said in preivous blogs, all girls that have liked me, where not that good looking. So yeah, you may say, what matters is what is inside. I am cool with that, so why do “pretty girls” don´t think that when I am around???
I have seen those unlikely unions between a pretty girl and a guy that if I see at the street i would grab my belongings before walking close to him, or viceversa. Maybe they have great personality and are as charismatic as only themselves. But I can´t help being jelous.
In my case, I may be the 1 percentile that has lack of charisma ( strangely enough people like me more than i like people, but girls see me as a nice guy, a shy, sometimes funny, polite guy) Ok I am polite, so was that wrong??? Did they wanted anal just after saying helllooooo???? Sorry, bad joke, just taking this out of my chest.
As it is not enought, I am not a good dancer, hate to drive, and many have more defects that I have not seen yet (besides my ugliness). I feel like the elephant man. Even Woody Allen has had luck with pretty girls. I know he got into the film industr just to screw good girls, not because he wanted to be the best in the business. So I am an amateur screenwriter, far from Woody´s level, but I guess living in a no name country won´t help me with that matter. Hopelly I am starting a new business, which can turn to be profitable. But it will feel empty still. I know money is the maximun embellisher and girls are looking for guys with money (not all, but a good group), but still, feel like in a dead end. A friend of mine (if he reads ever this, he will kill me) is getting married after impregnating his girlfriend (just 5 five months of relationship). They are in their late 30´s (I am 27, btw) however, I felt like the girl just was too desperate to marry she caught him getting pregnant (stupid for not using condom!) I feel like getting older, and don´t want to get an age where the only girls i meet will try to get the first naive so they can secure a family. Some people say i am young to worry about this, but in my circle of people everyone is getting marry and the ones who aren´t are desperate to get in too. I am not, i just want a girlfriend I like and then will see.
I started with a song, and I end with a song: Firefly from Breaking Benjamin, this time dedicated to the girl I like, who is in a relationship that is wrking but i feel she is there just to be…
“You my friend, You're a lot like them But I caught your lie, And you know I did, Now I'm lost in you Like I always do, And I'd die to win 'Cause I'm born to lose”
Am I right, am I wrong, I am a freaking EMO??
"Are you ugly? A liar like me? A user, a lost soul? Someone you don’t know. Money it’s no cure A Sickness so pure Are you like me? Are you ugly?"
This is the the beginning of song by The Exies, however, some people feel that way and is like the lyrics are written by oneself. Is beauty a subjective matter? Maybe there is an absolute deep inside relativity. Despite it always depends on the eye of the beholder (sometimes beer holder if you are drunk) beauty has some patterns depending of society, ethnicity, useage and customs. For example, not so many guys will deny Jessica Simpson is pretty. She can be dorky and clumsy, but she is not ugly. In the same way, a girl won´t feel attracted to Rowan Atkinson (Mr Bean). No matter, what your have been thought, there is an instintive repulsion to what you don´t feel comfortable to look at.
Is there a solution for ugly people? Can I dream of having a pretty girl infatuated with me? As I have said in preivous blogs, all girls that have liked me, where not that good looking. So yeah, you may say, what matters is what is inside. I am cool with that, so why do “pretty girls” don´t think that when I am around???
I have seen those unlikely unions between a pretty girl and a guy that if I see at the street i would grab my belongings before walking close to him, or viceversa. Maybe they have great personality and are as charismatic as only themselves. But I can´t help being jelous.
In my case, I may be the 1 percentile that has lack of charisma ( strangely enough people like me more than i like people, but girls see me as a nice guy, a shy, sometimes funny, polite guy) Ok I am polite, so was that wrong??? Did they wanted anal just after saying helllooooo???? Sorry, bad joke, just taking this out of my chest.
As it is not enought, I am not a good dancer, hate to drive, and many have more defects that I have not seen yet (besides my ugliness). I feel like the elephant man. Even Woody Allen has had luck with pretty girls. I know he got into the film industr just to screw good girls, not because he wanted to be the best in the business. So I am an amateur screenwriter, far from Woody´s level, but I guess living in a no name country won´t help me with that matter. Hopelly I am starting a new business, which can turn to be profitable. But it will feel empty still. I know money is the maximun embellisher and girls are looking for guys with money (not all, but a good group), but still, feel like in a dead end. A friend of mine (if he reads ever this, he will kill me) is getting married after impregnating his girlfriend (just 5 five months of relationship). They are in their late 30´s (I am 27, btw) however, I felt like the girl just was too desperate to marry she caught him getting pregnant (stupid for not using condom!) I feel like getting older, and don´t want to get an age where the only girls i meet will try to get the first naive so they can secure a family. Some people say i am young to worry about this, but in my circle of people everyone is getting marry and the ones who aren´t are desperate to get in too. I am not, i just want a girlfriend I like and then will see.
I started with a song, and I end with a song: Firefly from Breaking Benjamin, this time dedicated to the girl I like, who is in a relationship that is wrking but i feel she is there just to be…
“You my friend, You're a lot like them But I caught your lie, And you know I did, Now I'm lost in you Like I always do, And I'd die to win 'Cause I'm born to lose”
Am I right, am I wrong, I am a freaking EMO??