Are you a gamer? Then you´re also a war criminal!


Closed Account
Atleast according to the Red Cross.

THE Red Cross is investigating whether 600 million gamers are violating the Hague and Geneva conventions when they kill and blow stuff up for fun.

Exactly how video games influence individuals is a hotly debated topic, but for the first time, Movement partners discussed our role and responsibility to take action against violations of IHL in video games,” the Red Cross wrote in its daily bulletin.

"The aim for the ICRC is that they send the right signals to their hundreds of millions of players by rewarding respect for IHL and penalising violations," the spokesperson said.


Oh crap... I´m so screwed now...


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Wow. With all the real world Humanitarian laws being broken...I'm sure this is really worth discussing.

Now that I know where my donation dollars are going, I won't be donating to them anymore.

cindy CD/TV

Oh my they seriously have nothing better to do with their time? if killing hordes of the undead and pillaging pirate ships makes me a war criminal then bring on the war crimes! The walking skeletons had it coming.

You said it, love! Let's ignore real-world murderers and terrorists and prosecute videogamers. :brick: I've killed THOUSANDS of virtual people in Call of Duty alone, so I'm definitely a war criminal. They'd better send me off to The Hague or Gitmo for trial. I've been a baaaaaaaaaad girl ... :rofl2:


Since all my war crimes took place during the Roman Empire, I'm hoping the statute of limitations gets me out of this. If not, then I'm screwed. You single person gamers gots nothing on me. I've wiped out entire armies (sometimes my own) and put cities of thousands to the torch.

If you find yourself taking a moment to reflect on my malevolent awesomeness, don't worry. I do it all the time.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I'll remind them, what fucktards they're being, the next time I donate blood.
I hope I don't get my door kicked in for playing Scrabble.

BloombergBusinessWeek said:
The International Committee of the Red Cross says media reports that it is investigating whether the Geneva Conventions apply to video games are false.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Hmmm...wonder if this applies to my table top games I run.

Especially the hubby's poor NPC Anders managed to get slaughtered.
They definitely are not going to like the fact that I play SPLINTER CELL. ;) Hell, I'm ridding the world of evil-doers!