Are Allie from GloryHoleSwallow and Alessa/Alessa Snow from GloryholeSecrets same person?

I just learned about the site GloryHoleSecrets and saw Alessa Snow's video and my first thought was she looked like Allie except with tattoos. One major thing in favor of them being the same is that both sites have used the same women. One drawback is the freeones list Alessa Snow's height at 5'6 but GloryHole swallows description of Allie in her video said she was 5'10. I googled this no one else has confirmed the connection. Can you? Are they the same?
I don't see the similarity but to remove any doubt, Allie has a large mole on the left side of her pubic hair - which Alessa does not. Please update your first post with the correct info.
She could have had the mole removed. I myself have had that done.

But I guess it is possible they aren't the same since she has been doing porn for 3+ years and no one else has suggested this connection. I wish she didn't delete her twitter. I would have went through that first. I should mention that they have the same voice as well. She hasn't been back at gloryhole swallow since 2014 which is around the time Alessa started doing videos everywhere else.
They have moles in different places all over their body. Are you saying Allie had ALL of hers removed and then grew some more in different places? Apart from the obvious that their tits are very different sizes, the pattern of bumps on the areola are different. Alessa has large scars on her outer left thigh (Allie does not). Their noses are different. Allie's earlobes are attached, Alessa's are not.