Anyone On Here Use Prostitiutes On A Regular Basis?

I'm in a happy reletionship with my girlfriend, but a couple of times a week (at least) i'll pay for it n fuck a whore. I work away a lot through the week, so that means i can get away with it pretty easily. I normally just go to a sauna or massage place and use one of the girls there or use one of the punter forums to find a specific slut or one who will do what im looking for. I do love my girlfriend but i must spend at least £250 a week on whores. Does anyone else use them this regular or is it just me? :rofl:

You don't love your girlfriend.


Retired Moderator
I have no intention to judge you, but are you sure that your relationship with your girlfriend is as happy as you have stated? Does she know you spend your time and money on prostitutes? If so, is she comfortable with that fact? If not, you can hardly convince me of your relationship being happy, sorry...

No, I don't use prostitutes. I did once a few years ago when my friends ordered one for me on my birthday. For the time being, I am not planning to use them any more.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
I would rather pay for sex indirectly, movies,dinner, nights out etc... So no i dont go to hookers
Erm....Escorts??? :o

Dictionary Definition Of :1orglaugh
have never used them... but in september i´ll spend a week in prague, you never know what will happen in that city :D

btw: going to whores while in a relationship... oh dude, i dont know, cant be real love imo...
I don't use prostitutes per se, but I do frequent strip clubs where "extras" are allowed quite often.
Only once when I was in Amsterdam ..... when it Rome etc etc ..... although I find that the Dutch dont really go in for that sort of thing..... it's more of a US/UK thing.

It was fun anyway.

Since then ... nope, :dunno:
B.S. Sex and love are two totally different things. But seeing pros several times weeks a week, whoo, just must make a lot of money...

I totally agree with you about sex and love being completely different and thats how i can fuck a whore one night and go home to my girlfriend the next knowing that i love her. and on the money thing, when im away, my expenses are paid, petrol and hotel, so i pretty much dont have any outgoings during the week apart from paying a whore.

I have no intention to judge you, but are you sure that your relationship with your girlfriend is as happy as you have stated? Does she know you spend your time and money on prostitutes? If so, is she comfortable with that fact? If not, you can hardly convince me of your relationship being happy, sorry...

No, I don't use prostitutes. I did once a few years ago when my friends ordered one for me on my birthday. For the time being, I am not planning to use them any more.

She doesnt know that i spend my money on prostitiutes and to be honest, i cant see how that would help the reletionship in any way. I do honestly think that we have a happy reletionship, its just with me being away for periods of time, i look to whores instead of having an affair, which if this makes any sense whatsoever, seems to me to be a lot worse
She doesnt know that i spend my money on prostitiutes and to be honest, i cant see how that would help the reletionship in any way. I do honestly think that we have a happy reletionship, its just with me being away for periods of time, i look to whores instead of having an affair, which if this makes any sense whatsoever, seems to me to be a lot worse
Wouldn't it be better to just have a wank then sleep with another woman when you are in a supposedly 'happy' relationship?!? You are a civilised man not a beast of the field. Can't you control yourself?!? :dunno:
You look to whores, instead of having an affair??

I'm not sure I follow.

When i go to a whore, its just sex, thats all. With an affair, a sustained reletionship with just one person, an emotional attachment would develop, which would have a negative impact on my reletionship with my girlfriend. Hope that makes at least some sense

J. Friday

Germany is a good place for legal prostitution. Otherwise, if you're in the Western Hemisphere then try Guatemala. You'll get a whirl there. That's if you don't mind the giant rats scurrying everywhere.:1orglaugh