Anyone here ever get back with an ex?

If so, how did it happen? How did it turn out?

I'm curious because my last serious girlfriend and I broke up about a year ago. Long story short, I ended it because I thought she was not happy, but we stayed friends and lately we have been talking about a lot of stuff we never did at the time. I'm torn as to how to proceed! We got along well and the sex was FANTASTIC!

Thanks in advance for any insights!


Hiliary 2020
usually the sex is good.
if you like her and you want her go for it.
with me, we always wound up re-breaking up again.
sometimes re-re breaking up, one time re-re-re-re- breaking up.
but good luck


Before my current boyfriend and I met, I used to hook up with an ex-boyfriend. We had sex on and off for about 6 months after we'd broken up, I cheated on a boyfriend w/ him and he cheated on a girlfriend w/ me. Then I decided to end it because it was too emotionally destructive for me to keep seeing him. We'd have sex and after he'd leave I'd end up crying and/or being depressed, so be aware of the emotional consequences.
Before my current boyfriend and I met, I used to hook up with an ex-boyfriend. We had sex on and off for about 6 months after we'd broken up, I cheated on a boyfriend w/ him and he cheated on a girlfriend w/ me. Then I decided to end it because it was too emotionally destructive for me to keep seeing him. We'd have sex and after he'd leave I'd end up crying and/or being depressed, so be aware of the emotional consequences.

I'm sorry that happened to you friend!

I hope me and my ex never get back together. I still love her and that will never stop, but I can never forget what she did to me!
Yeah I've reunited with a couple of exes. Both times things went really well for a while; sort of like a second honeymoon. But eventually the same issues that split us apart the first time re-emerged.


Take a Hit, Spunker!
I had a girlfriend that broke up with me back in 2000. A few months later, after my mom died, she came to me and said how bad she felt for me and we started seeing each other again. Things were going well until her mom overheard a conversation I had with a friend that had nothing to do with her daughter. A couple days later after our last date, I get the news from a friend that her mom has banned me from seeing her daughter again. I tried to get in contact with her, but she never returned my calls. We probably wouldn't been, and I hate using the word "married" today, but thanks to her whore of a mother that wasn't to be.
Once I dump her there's no turning back ... Some of the ex-s tryed to get back with me ... they thought a blowjob will get me back ... but I just closed the door in their face and minded my biz.
Talk about refusing a blowjob lol ...
Me personally I wouldn't even bother with relationships until I know in my heart that that is the woman I want to be with for the rest of my life, that that is the woman that God has given me. Other than that, it's a waste of time.


Yeah I've reunited with a couple of exes. Both times things went really well for a while; sort of like a second honeymoon. But eventually the same issues that split us apart the first time re-emerged.

I hate that :(

As long as she originally "wasn't unhappy because of another guy" You Might reconsider anew relationship. Just the same, you better CYA (in the mental sense) that she might do the same thing all over again and she "could" be using you out of convenience.

Try not contacting her so much and see if your phone rings !
Not once or twice, but for the next six months. You Might show her your pride by telling her that you have previous plans on a given night that she'd like to see you. Do not kiss her ass ! Do not get re pussy whipped (even though you wanna)

Keep her guessing about you !! :thumbsup:
Wow, looks like the consensus here is that it's not going to work! Well, we had a great relationship when we were going out, but again, I ended it because I honestly thought it was the right thing to do for both of us because she seemed miserable. In the 8 months we've been broken up, she told me that it was because of other thing, and not me but she was at fault for not telling me that... So now, I thought I had moved on, but I'm still in love with her and I guess I feel that if we can open up the communication, we'd still be together. The problem is that I hurt her really bad when I broke up and I don't think she's gotten over that.

Well, I'm going to talk with her today and lay the cards on the table, then I guess it's up to her! Life is too short for regrets and even if she's "moved on" then I want to know that I tried... Honestly she is the only woman I've ever even considered marrying, and I'm 38!

I contacted an old college friend. She wrote me back but was clearly uninterested. How an old friend could fuckin turn from you. It hurts.
Yeah but as I recall your contact was of a romantic nature and both you and her are married so what did you expect?
Nope. I don't need to relive that drama all over again. There is a reason why it is called ex-GF/BF.
I've never ever want to get back to an ex because once it's over it's over no matter if I was in love or not. The only guy that I'll ever get back with if we evr break up(which isn't going to happend)would be my current boyfriend. I can honestly say I'm trully happy and completely in love with him. Baby I love you muwahhhhhhh:)
Before my current boyfriend and I met, I used to hook up with an ex-boyfriend. We had sex on and off for about 6 months after we'd broken up, I cheated on a boyfriend w/ him and he cheated on a girlfriend w/ me. Then I decided to end it because it was too emotionally destructive for me to keep seeing him. We'd have sex and after he'd leave I'd end up crying and/or being depressed, so be aware of the emotional consequences.

Unfortunately that's usually the case afterward. The guy goes and plays softball and drinks beer with his buddies, and the girl actually thinks about it.

That's just the way we're both wired.

To the OP, there are a few reasons that reconnecting with the girl may seem like a good idea. The sex was good and, while bad memories fade, the good ones last forever.
i did get back with mine about last month we broke up because she had some family problems and she wasn't ready, i guess it was more like time apart than breaking up so i guess its a bit different. Good luck tho :)