Anybody who is Catholic been baptized in Phoenix Arizona?

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
They refused to baptize me. My mother and father were not married in a church.

I guess that's why the holy water always boils when I walk into a catholic church.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Damn him. This must be bad for such a strong response. The prior regimes looked past more egregious sins against members.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Anybody end up in Hell being a prior victim of a botched baptism?
Good question. Wonder if St Peter had to relocate anyone.

Would it be better to have a botched baptism or a botched circumcision?
They refused to baptize me. My mother and father were not married in a church.

I guess that's why the holy water always boils when I walk into a catholic church.

It’s their loss, brother. They should be happy to get a fella like you in their congregation.

Me and my check book sleep in on Sundays religiously.

If my wife goes to Catholic Church I ordered her to be cheaper than a Jew when the basket comes around.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
It’s their loss, brother. They should be happy to get a fella like you in their congregation.

Me and my check book sleep in on Sundays religiously.

If my wife goes to Catholic Church I ordered her to be cheaper than a Jew when the basket comes around.
Well that's why, or one of my big issues with Catholicism. That and confession, and obvious criminal negligence, and hypocrisy. Now I don't think baptizing, is a catholic's only tradition, or tenant, or how ever you want to put it, BUT..... I was raised in part, by my Aunt's, when my old man skipped on us, and all 3, were DEVOUT to their religion, and worked hard to try and get my mom on board, and I think she was just ornery, and liked to mess with them, and wouldn't let them, make me go to church if I didn't want to My Uncle, their brother, all lived in one house, and since he didn't go to church, we hung out. My Aunt's God bless 'em, would do every little thing they would to jab away at it. When I got older, I would just jab back, mostly with pedophile stuff, but they're sure as hell up there looking out for my dumb ass, because I should have died more then once.

Is your name Damian perchance?
No. No it isn't. My first name is Beelze. Last name, Bub.
My mother was from West Texas and told me about people from the churches knocking on doors looking for new customers and not above badmouthing the other churches who believed in pretty much the same thing. This not only drove her away from church but from God as well.

My father was interested in having the All American type family. He wanted us to go to church on Sundays. He was a stubborn Russian man but no match for my short-tempered and stern Redneck mom. We never went to church even once. The first time I stepped into Catholic Church was when I was in 5th grade newly enrolled in Catholic School. The only reason why my mom allowed me in Catholic School was to avoid having her son being bused to the ghetto for diversity bullshit.

Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

I am in America, not of it.
When I was a young boy of 6 or so all the other kids in the neighborhood when to the local Catholic church's(this was about 1956 or so). My friends asked me to go with them and my Mother(against her better judgement I am sure) let me. I went a couple of weeks with my dime for the collection plate and my nice clothes on. After about a month my Mom later told me that they had gotten a letter from the local church welcoming me but saying that if I was going to go regularly that they(my parents) would have to contribute to the work of the Church. They already knew where my Dad worked(such information was common back then) and about how much he made. They then gave an amount that was expected to be given each month to the Church as long as I went. I never set foot in it again. My wife was a cradle Catholic and stayed with the Church(including dragging all the children to it and having them take all the religious education classes)(Which were not cheap)(None stayed with it). So it was a constant $20 per week for years and years. Suddenly about 8 years a go after her Mothers Memorial service(Mom had stopped being a Catholic decades earlier and didn't live here anyway) and it cost pretty penny to be mentioned as a recipient of the Mass service she suddenly quit going. I did not ask and she did not tell. For all the reasons you all have mentioned and more Religion and me have gone our separate ways.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
And that's another thing. The collection plate. Expected percentages, what have you done for us lately, mentality, all of that is, so.......un-Godly. Salvation and forgiveness are free, and all you need to get it, is ask for it, and truly believe in he, who can give it. Any attempts to extort, or coerce money from you shows a true lack of class, and devotion to anything, but the all mighty dollar. And don't even get me started on these television clowns. It's hard to feel bad for people that are so naïve, they buy into it, and send donations, to people worth millions. How can you be that blind?
I like to occasionally remind people that Cardinal Mahony paid out a settlement of $660,000,000 to 508 victims of abuse in 2007 when he was head of the LA Archdiocese.

I would donate money to the Church Of Satan before I would the Catholic Church as they are a lesser agent of deceit.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Well what can you expect from a group, that has blatantly disregarded the law, their responsibilities, and turned the church into a corporation. Let's face it, Jesus paid for their sins, by giving his life for our sins, so why should they suffer, their leader already paid the rent!?