Anybody Watching the RNC Infomercial This Week?

Donald Trump is to speak on all 4 nights of the RNC, and his family will take up half of the keynote speaker spots

Doesn't sound dictatorey at all. We might as well hear from the people who will be the next 4 presidents if trump wins in November.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Doesn't sound dictatorey at all. We might as well hear from the people who will be the next 4 presidents if trump wins in November.
It is almost(?) a cult of personality.


Closed Account
If you are referring to the Disinfecting Deep Cleaning / Neutralizing of the Democrat Lies, Hoaxes, Axes to Grind, Can't Let It Go Revenge Obsession, Race Card Addicts, Pandering, Treason FACTORY ... followed by the Roaring Thunderous Powering Up of the Top Fuel American Patriots TRUTH MACHINE ... then of course I'm going to watch that. :cool:
They'll run off the rails like the Bushes.

Yeah, I'm sure if a trump broke any laws, or violated the constitution, or tried to overthrow democracy, or failed to protect the nation against a pandemic, or left US troops undefended against a foreign enemy like Russia, or just generally failed to fulfill the duties of the presidency, and instead went golfing and just told everyone what a great job they were doing, that their base absolutely would not put up with that shit!

And you certainly wouldn't have a bunch of worthless pussy assholes sitting on their high horses with their heads up their asses saying "well that's just partisan politics, both sides do it. If you pick either side you're just as silly as them!"
I like how the republican party hasn't even bothered to pretend they have a platform, and instead just lined up to kiss trump's ring.

Someone made a comment around here recently that you can't just run on not being trump, and all the serious minded cynics jerked each other off about how non-partisan they are over it, despite the comment having nothing at all to do with the campaign Biden has been running. Wonder where those serious minded people are now that the republican platform and entire campaign has been reduced to 5 letters - trump?

First time in history that the incumbent isn't endorsed by a single living ex-president. Wonder if there's any significance there?


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
I like how the republican party hasn't even bothered to pretend they have a platform, and instead just lined up to kiss trump's ring.

Someone made a comment around here recently that you can't just run on not being trump, and all the serious minded cynics jerked each other off about how non-partisan they are over it, despite the comment having nothing at all to do with the campaign Biden has been running. Wonder where those serious minded people are now that the republican platform and entire campaign has been reduced to 5 letters - trump?

First time in history that the incumbent isn't endorsed by a single living ex-president. Wonder if there's any significance there?
Mike Pence sums it up well: Let's Make America Great Again, Again. I guess the group is admitting they did not make America great. Or, did make it great and then blew it.

I like how the Trump Nat'l Convention is making a case that Americans need to be saved from the world which created Trump and which he divided even further. Be afraid of the liberals. Be afraid of what we have created.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Junior: Joe Biden is "basically the Loch Ness Monster of the swamp." I thought the swamp was drained. Did I miss something?

Anarchists have been flooding our streets and Democrat mayors are ordering the police to stand down,” Trump Jr. said. “Small businesses across America — many of them minority owned — are being torched by mobs. The Democrat mayors pretend it’s not happening. They actually called it ‘a summer of love.’ That’s why we must put an end to racism, and we must ensure that any police officer who abuses their power is held accountable.”​
I appreciate his singular use of a truth at the end of this quote after being disingenuous for the initial part. Some mayors may be ordering police to stand down, but as a whole they're being vigilant (Seattle showed the effects). The nearby city to my residence is run by a Democrat and police are not standing down. They aren't pretending it is not happening, much to their own peril. And, other than Seattle's mayor, who subsequently walked back the comment, I don't think anyone is calling it a summer of love.
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Nattering Nabob of Negativism


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
The hits keep coming this week:

Alaska's AG is another stand up Immigration and religion guy it seems:
Late last year, Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy wrote President Donald Trump asking for a favor on behalf of his appointed attorney general, Kevin Clarkson.​
In a Dec. 2 letter, the governor asked Trump to help Clarkson’s wife and stepson overcome immigration obstacles in order to leave Colombia and join him in Alaska.
“Over the past year, I have found Attorney General Clarkson to be a wise and trusted legal advisor, a man of exceptional character, and a devoted husband and father,” the governor told Trump. Before being appointed in late 2018, Clarkson had been a champion of Christian conservative views on social issues such as same-sex marriage and abortion.
The Guilfoyle Challenge. Jajajajajajajajajajajajaja!!!!

That was some nutty shit last night. Kimberly Guilfoyle and her boyfriend Fredo are a fucking laughingstock. What a shit show. These people are fucking morons. Grade A morons
