Any WIFEY clips where she gets really horny?

Im a big fan of WIFEY and think her tits are pretty much my perfect tits - However, in the majority of her videos, we never get to see here REALLY horny - moaning, really riding, or thrusting etc - she just seems to lie back montionless and let her hubby fuck her, or just kneels infront of him to get jacked off onto -

So any clips out there of WIFEY where she really goes for it - preferably where she is on top??
You guys are right. Wifey is soooo hot but the scenes are soooo boring! You'd think they'd get the hint...
It just goes to show that it's not what you've got, but what you do with it.

That's one of the reasons I was never a big Christy Canyon fan. She just didn't have a whole lot of enthusiasm. Great bod (like Wifey), but little energy.
She needs to go black...then you'll hear some screamin' & hollarin'
Wifey's clips get old because she needs to kick up the intensity. I wouldn't say she's bored...she's just comfortable laying there, for the most part. Her and Hubby need to fucking pound each other. This is the only clip set of hers I found that was marginally intense..

So the consensus is she (and the hubby for that matter) are dead fucks. This scene is about "intense" as it gets and it still looks like they're reading the TV Guide.
not to direct the attention away from Wifey or anything, but at least she's not like brandi belle. jesus christ, i get hornier from looking at the model's in the patagonia catalog than watching her fuck. i'd rather watch Wifey any day. plus, i've seen Wifey movies where she orgasms from her vibrator, those are pretty hot.
I like the variation from usual porn. There's nothing wrong with slow sex. I just wish they'd mix it up a bit.

Wifey clips are usually good (especially the titfucks and facials), but the longer vids tend to be a little disappointing because they never seem to vary the pace much at all.