Any pornstars have free message boards to join?

Most porn babes have free message boards. It's the paysite end of it where most of the "content" is. But the boards are fun!!!!! :nanner: :nanner: :nanner:
Nightfly said:
Most porn babes have free message boards. It's the paysite end of it where most of the "content" is. But the boards are fun!!!!! :nanner: :nanner: :nanner:
Yup, that's what I was gonna say......
I used to have a couple of these fora linked in my sig, but for some reason I was asked to remove them. :dunno: Anyway, I guess it's ok to post them HERE, just not to have them linked in a sig... :confused: Enjoy! :nanner:

Bobbi Eden:

Terri Summers:

Crissy Moran:

Austyn Moore:

Carmen Luvana:


AVN Forum:
I also had Sylvia Saint's board link but hers seems to be down or maybe moved. I also have Jana Cova's somewhere, but I can't find it. :eek:

Adultdvdtalk is a MEGABOARD. So far I have not joined that bad boy. lol There are only so many boards, so much time, ya know?
Nightfly said:
Adultdvdtalk is a MEGABOARD. So far I have not joined that bad boy. lol There are only so many boards, so much time, ya know?

I know I have not posted on it either, somedays it would almost seem like preparing for war every time you are going to log on. That and it doesn’t really focus on non-hardcore adult stars. :1orglaugh