Any Mental Heath Professionals on the Board?

would like to thank any help regarding my current situation. I'm not too comfortable discussing these sort of matters on the forum, but it would be nice too see other's views.
I'll start by giving some background info.....My brother is 21 at the moment. In grade 9, he started seeing a councilor regarding anxiety (panic attacks) By grade 10, he became severely depressed. He stopped caring about school, stopped hanging out with his friends, and so forth. It even got to the point that he tried to kill himself. He then was brought to see a psychiatrist. After about a year he got better and was functioning o.k. Not great, but he was doing better in school and had a better outlook on life.
Fast forward to now.....he has been feeling depressed now for at least half a year. He's been out of high school for three years. He dropped out of two different college programs and even quite his apprenticeship. Now, he's working part-time figuring what he's doing for the rest of his life. I know my own brother well enough that he would not quit that easily. Can depression effect you that much? He won't go to the gym like he used to, he rarely hangs out with his friends. All he basically does is come after dinner (6ish) he goes upstairs in his room and watches T.V. It's like he's isolating himself from the rest of the world. I find it strange that he has not gained weight. He's actually lost about 15 pounds. He still communicates to me and my parents,but it's like he's a walking zombie. His condition has definelty gotten worse over the last month though. Him and I share a VERY close relationship, so I try to ask him whats wrong, but he always shuns me away. Basically, like he's in denial. I really want to help him. He told me something the other day though, that really scared me. He said, "I'll be happy and free when I'm gone". I really didn't know how to handle that. I told him that the very thought of killing himself is wrong and that my parents and I were there for him.
I really want to help him. I can't stand seeing someone with so much potential go to waste. I'm just so very confused. I mean he's good looking, drives a nice car, has a roof over his head, has a loving family, yet he is feeling the way he does. Is there perhaps a chemical imbalance in his head? There is a history of bipolor depression on both my dad and mom side. Should I perhaps take him to a hospital?
I would thank anyone with their help. I am going through tough situation and would hate knowing anyone going through the same thing. It's easy to say "get over it", but I think it goes deeper then that.


Closed Account
Can depression effect you that much?


I'm not a mental health professional, but it sounds to me like he just needs to break this cycle. He feels like shit so all he does is laze about, and the more he lazes about the worse he feels.

He needs motivation, even something simple like going back to the gym. Why don't you go with him or something?

This might sound stupid, but it is a valid question; When was the last time he got laid? It's amazing how sex makes people feel better about life.

Have you tried talking to an actual doctor for advice? I know you're just looking for a bit of help, but I don't think anyone here is qualified to say for sure whats going on.
Dude...not on THIS board. :hatsoff:
I once heard someone talking about being in a similar, albeit not as severe, situation. The way he was able to overcome his depression was by making drastic changes in his life: he moved to another city and got a new job. It might be that your brother has fallen into a monotony and is bored of doing the same thing day after day. Maybe changing his surroundings would help him break the routine. :2 cents:

dick van cock

Closed Account
Only mental health patients. Lots of them!

Being here is a vital part of their therapy. Better to post :bs: on here than to masturbate in front of the local ballet school...

First of all, I am a "mental health professional", and I need for you to answer one question or else I will be unable to help you.

You say you have a VERY close relationship with your brother. Have you ever masturbated while he was in the room with you? The reason I ask, is because I have seen a shocking trend of this on this particular board.

Seriously bro, I would recommend getting your brother to see a psychiatrist or at least a counselor. He could be depressed or bipolar. But until you get a diagnosis, there is not much that anyone can really do.

Oh, and by the way, I'm not a mental health professional, I'm actually a "rectal health professional". :booty: :moon:
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Depression is a very serious - and very real - mental health disorder. It is NOT an illness nor is it indicative that one is crazy, loony, or off their rocker.

There are vast resources on the Internet that can tell you more about what is happening with your brother. I am by no means a medical professional, but speaking as one who has close personal experience with the subject ... having been diagnosed as clinically depressed (one of the severest forms of depression) and successfully treated for it, I urge you to take a very real interest in helping your brother get some sort of professional assistance or treatment.

It is treatable ... and it's caused by a chemical disorder in the brain. Realize that your brother needs immediate professional assistance; via therapist, counselor, doctor, psychiatrist, or what have you. If he's making subtle reference to suicide (albeit however vague) I suggest you take it with all due diligence and get your brother the help that he needs.

Click on the link below for assistance in finding information:

Google Search - Signs of Depression

Good luck. :hatsoff: :thumbsup:


As a side note ... if both mother and father were diagnosed (and treated?) as having Bipolar Disorder, then there is a distinct possibility that he may be as well, too. While it is not directly inherited from a gene, the chances are likely that the environment has contributed to his mental imbalance as well.

It is treatable and he can lead a normal, productive life with continued counseling and treatment (i.e., medication).
^Very good post. You deserved rep, but I couldn't give.

Original poster, please heed Minnesota Fats' advice.
I thought much about responding to this thread.
For personal reasons (and ignoring the better part of my intellect), I'll respond with this post:


* I'm not a mental health professional.
* I have experience in the health care field - though for obvious reasons, I will not qualify when, what type, where or how much.
* My response to your post is not medical advice and should not be construed as such. For practical (as well as legal) reasons, it is sheer folly to seek medical advice from anonymous sources.


He said, "I'll be happy and free when I'm gone".
He's expressing suicidal ideation - and he already has a prior history of a suicide attempt. Folks expressing ideation usually think/fantasize about a plan to carry it out. If they already do have such a plan, they are very likely to actually carry it out. (Has) Your brother expressed any such thing/plan?

I really didn't know how to handle that. I told him that the very thought of killing himself is wrong and that my parents and I were there for him.
I really want to help him.
It's apparent you care about him...

I can't stand seeing someone with so much potential go to waste. I'm just so very confused. I mean he's good looking, drives a nice car, has a roof over his head, has a loving family, yet he is feeling the way he does. Is there perhaps a chemical imbalance in his head? There is a history of bipolor depression on both my dad and mom side.
It's patently obvious you don't know how to deal with the situation (there are so many flags in that one paragraph alone that tells me enough. Hint: Depression and mental illness go far beyond things like 'being successful' and 'living a normal life' etc.)

Should I perhaps take him to a hospital?
Seems like a superfluous, rhetorical question at this point... doesn't it?

You brother doesn't need counseling - he needs psychiatric monitoring. If not in an inpatient setting, at the very least he needs close attention from a psychiatrist (at the very least). He may not be at a "high risk" right now - but it's better to step in and intervene now than wait till the situation deteriorates to the point of becoming too complicated/difficult to handle.

Depression is a very serious, often debilitating (and can sometimes be a fatal) disorder.
I should know...


Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
I am no doctor but I was diagnosed as having *SEVERE ANXIETY* so I think you need to take immediate action like yesterday!! If your that worried about your brother you need to take him too the ER for a psych evaluation; or to your family doctor; or a psychiatrist so he can be prescribed some type of anti-depression meds immediately if he doesn't get meds soon he's gonna get worse and worse..

I should know I have experience'd the same symptom's as you described your brother having... although I never attempted suicide I considered it on a regular basis... I used to smoke ALLOT of marijuana and was drinking heavily; either way if your brothers behavior is because of drug use or anxiety/depression or a combination he needs to get proffesional help immediately..

I let my situation infest my mind until I couldn't function normally; I was finally forced by family to seek medical help.. this disorder has ruled my life.. and destroyed many years of my life; have you ever seen those commercials for depression?? I hope your brother gets the help he needs.. because unfortunately it doesn't go away by itself and it gets progressively worse as time goes by.. goodluck to your brother and your family..

p.s. since I was put on the necessary meds my life has gotten allot better.. not perfect; but certainly not the way I was before I recieved the medical help I needed..
Here's a couple numbers You Might wanna call that would get you on the right track.


They're both there 24/7, and you will find someone who will be able to direct you to someone who can help.
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