Any Blackjack players here?

I play in the casinos about 4 times a year . Next week I go to Foxwood (my first time there).

What is the highest single wager you have ever made?

What is the most you have ever won in a single game?

What is the most you have ever lost?

For me:

Highest wager: 2,500

Most won: 19,000

Most lost: 8000


^ Are you a hat and glasses guy or just glasses ? :D

Years ago now - ( non regulation / ''boys night out'' maximums)

$300 wager

$2,000 - 2,200 won

$ $650 - $700 lost

By nature I'm not a gambler whatsoever fwiw


Postal Paranoiac
Counting cards only gives you a slight advantage. Wild bet swings that result in gains is what pit bosses look for. I abandoned Jack for Hold 'Em and Roulette. I once won $4000 on Roulette. I lost $2000 in a night's sitting at a Hold 'Em tournament.
Yup and a card counter...thrown off the tables many times :(

How does that work? I mean, I understand that you keep track of what cards are played, but how does that increase your odds of winning? There's still the uncertainty of what cards are dealt. :confused:


Postal Paranoiac
How does that work? I mean, I understand that you keep track of what cards are played, but how does that increase your odds of winning? There's still the uncertainty of what cards are dealt. :confused:

It's the +1, 0, -1 math equation. Has to do with cards above or below certain values. Depending on the equation you use. But I'll let Sparky tell you.:thumbsup:
As dumb as it sounds, the only blackjack I've played is online, and I swear that shit is rigged.


Postal Paranoiac
BTW...I'm watching 21 on Encore right now.
I only play in casinos... not super high stakes, but I love to play for like 10 hours at a go...

Highest wager: 250

Most won: $3900

Most lost: $2000


Postal Paranoiac
I'm watching the scene where LF is running the eye in the sky. The color monitors are all manned by casino experts. I laughed because it looks like fucking NORAD or something.:1orglaugh
Highest win 40$

biggest Loss 40$

Basically I just go for about fifteen minutes till my forty bucks is spent and then go home.
I play. But only when the stakes are over porn and dismembered body pieces.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I only gamble with my life, never my money...