I'm surprised you didn't hear about it.
Star Wars Battlefront 2's Loot Box Controversy Explained
Star Wars Battlefront 2 sales miss targets, EA blames loot crate controversy
Star Wars Battlefront 2: EA's stock plummets following loot box controversy
There's even a Wiki article:
Basically it's those microtransactions you see in Free-to-play games. Like many games it let you pay extra money for the chance of getting items/characters you wanted. That's nothing new, but EA's initial response on reddit to allegations about making popular characters (Eg Darth Vader) only available by this random game of chance (or by grinding ungodly amounts of time) really ticked off the fanbase and it blew up from there. Unlike DLC you're not guaranteed to get the character you want, and could potentially spend hundreds or thousands of $ without getting it.
This then lead to a huge debate about the lootbox/microtransaction business model and Belgium even ended up banning them. This then lead to many Free to play games that have such microtransactions to be banned as well.
You Might have seen that topic about the game Whimsy & I play (FF Brave Exvius), but that game is no longer accessible in Belgium because of this.
It's kinda interesting to see how something that had been going on for a while blew up because of literally one bad PR post on reddit.