Antifa Threatens ‘Military Resistance’ Despite Local Police Warnings

Antifas are radical lunatics but the Right like to exagerate their number and the threat they pose

Last time I checked the peole who used guns to illegaly occupy the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge weren't Antifas...
Antifas are radical lunatics but the Right like to exagerate their number and the threat they pose

Last time I checked the peole who used guns to illegaly occupy the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge weren't Antifas...

speaking of exaggerating a threat posed. Do you know where Malheur National Wildlife Refuge is? And what it's like there in the dead of winter? If they hadn't announced they had occupied it, no one would've noticed.
It's in Oregon, abd judgin,g by the location of the sate, I guess it's pretty cold in winter.

However, these guys illegaly occupied a governmreent building. I thought conservatives cared about the Rule of Law...
It's in Oregon, abd judgin,g by the location of the sate, I guess it's pretty cold in winter.

However, these guys illegaly occupied a governmreent building. I thought conservatives cared about the Rule of Law...

It's in Eastern Oregon and there's not a g'd thing there. "Illegally occupied" like protesters did in Portland outside of an ICE office?

Or how SJW students literally took over a college campus at Evergreen State in Washington?

but some yahoos took over a closed nature reserve in BFE, Oregon.
I highly recommend following a Twitter account by the name of Antifa [NOBABE] Beverly Hills [/NOBABE] They routinely abuse Antifa and is one of the most entertaining parody accounts that I have seen on Twitter.
Portland : As you said, protestors were OUTSIDE

Evergreen : on that we agree it was illegal. But we're taking about students, not a real organised and armed militia...
Portland : As you said, protestors were OUTSIDE

They prevented access to it and effectively shut it down. That was illegal.

Not to mention the absolute filth they left behind. The city of Portland had to send in people in biohazard suits to clean up the mess. But that's standard with the left. They are shit.

Remember the story of what Obama's plane smelled like during his 2008 campaign? And just based on my own experiences with liberals, personal hygiene isn't a thing with them for the most part. Regular bathing must be bourgeois. It's the continuation of the dirty fucking hippies.

but I digress.

fuck the left.
They prevented access to it and effectively shut it down. That was illegal.

Not to mention the absolute filth they left behind. The city of Portland hand to send in people in biohazard suits to clean up the mess. But that's standard with the left. They are shit.

Fair enough

But you would agree that we're still far from what Bundy and his guys made. I mean, they threatened to shoot on law enforcement forces that would be sent to them...
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Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Antifa is as much the Democratic Party as the KKK is the Republican Party, my dear friends. Things ain't THAT easy.