My Penis Is Dancing!
Anonymous, doing the lord's work.
And for those of you interested in dropping church members a line, there you go.
The day after Westboro Baptist “Church” decides to picket the funerals of the 28 victims at Sandy Hook elementary – look who decided to leak the dox on the real private phone numbers, email addresses, addresses etc of the Phelps family and the members of the Westboro Baptist Church. Thank you very much to Anonymous for getting the info which you can find HERE; say HI and SHARE the love.
I really hate these people. They have entirely no class; they’re as crazy as they come. If they decided to move to Guyana and start their own small town and then drink a lot of spiked Kool-Aid … that would be fine by me. Within a couple of hours of the news breaking on the tragedy at Sandy Hook elementary school – Margie Phelps from the Westboro Baptist Church tweets this:
*******/W7O*** @carrieunderwood on She pimped fag marriage. Blood of dead school kids on her hands! #SandyHook
15 Dec 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite
The article on her tweet leads you to a website which I’m assuming is owned by their church. Somehow they relate her support of gay marriage as being somehow related to the tragedy in Connecticut. They wrote this about her:
Rather than be thankful for the singing talent God gave her, and use it to publish the truth of God in this earth, at age 29 she has become famous around the world for exactly one thing, to wit, pimping for fag marriage.
The death of 20 kids is somehow related to “pimping for fag marriage”; classless on just about every level.
The day after the shooting – Margie Phelps tweeted this:
Westboro will picket Sandy Hook Elementary School to sing praise to God for the glory of his work in executing his judgment.
15 Dec 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite
Then later:
Video news: Transcript: #SandyHook CT thought God would #GiveThemAPass for #FagMarriage WRONG
15 Dec 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite
The headline of the video: Fag marriage caused the Connecticut shooting
Then there was this one:
Jeff Glor
15 Dec 12
The gathering outside the memorial at Sandy Hook VFD. #Newtown
Tell the people @jeffglor @CBSThisMorning #FagMarriageDoomsCT #GodHatesFagMarriage #GoHomeAndMournForYourSins #TeachYourChildrenToFearGod
15 Dec 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite
The hashtags say it all.
And for those of you interested in dropping church members a line, there you go.