Anna Jota


Womanly perfect

A little overweight, but delicious anyway
What you call "a little overweight" is what I call "womanly perfect."
She looks slender and fertile, but not boney and tight like her diet is causing her to skip periods.
Womanly perfect

A little overweight, but delicious anyway
What you call "a little overweight" is what I call "womanly perfect."
She looks slender and fertile, but not boney and tight like her diet is causing her to skip periods.

Good examples of her stomach muscles (yes, she has them) are this pic: (from: )

And she's pretty slender in this shot: (from: )

Her stomach really only shows when sitting, and it's just really due to her wider, hourglass shape, but not that she's overweight in the least bit.
Re: Womanly perfect

Don't worry is just a matter of preferences
But calling someone "overweight" can be considered more than "just a matter of preferences."
It's actually more of a technical/medical statement, beyond the fact that it could be considered offensive.