Angela D'Angelo

I didn't know Ice was her daughter.... WOW!

Ice is one of my current favs, easily one of the most overlooked pornstars on this forum.

Great links! :thumbsup:
parker said:
I didn't know Ice was her daughter.... WOW!

Yeah that peice of trivia blew my mind too. I read that one time in AVN mag & another time Ice mentioned it in an interview.
Ha big lu is that Ice really Ms. D'angelo's daughter, and one more thing there is a video of Ice on K a z a a it's one of the net video girls videos RAHDA is the name if you find it enjoy it.
Kane_699 said:
Ha big lu there is a video of Ice on K a z a a it's one of the net video girls videos RAHDA is the name if you find it enjoy it.

I didnt see the one featuring Ice yet but I'm going to look it up right now. I bet it was pretty nice- bcuz NVG has best vids out of all the pay-sites

Kane_699 said:
Ha big lu is that Ice really Ms. D'angelo's daughter.

that IS her daughter. ... I read that in an article in Adult Video News magazine last year....

if you need proof of that & feel like reading about it-- checkout these links

& this link of Ices bio pisses me off because they put the wrong goddamn pornstar in the picture-- the bio, movie list & everything else is acucurate though. It mentions they are mother & daughter too
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