There's nothing wrong with doing what you can to protect against mobile malware while using a browser - never said that there was. But the most effective way to gain access to these mobile OS products is through apps - just like Adam said. And yes, although surely not perfect, the level of scrutiny employed by Apple is on a very different level than what is employed by Google and Amazon. What iOS gives apps access to vs. what Android
(there are SO many Android versions floating around and the telecoms often control which versions you can get) gives access to is VERY different.
How Malware Keeps Sneaking Past Google Play’s Defenses
Whether on PCs or on mobile devices, I've said many times on here that no one should be lulled into a false sense of security on any computer or mobile device. I'm presently employing an IT guy to set up a new trading room for me. I can choose the Apple OS on Macs and run Windows 7 Pro (though definitely not 8 or 10) in virtual or just run PCs with 7 Pro - my choice, and no big deal according to him. But the one BIG no-no he had was when it came to the tablets: DO NOT run any Android devices on this isolated network. The cheaper devices come pre-loaded with certain apps, and I'm not prepared to pay some higher level IT guy, who can put together government-level Android security lockdowns, just because Android tablets run a few hundred dollars less than iPads.
I'm sorry if my memes
O-ffended you. I'm awfully sorry. I'm terribly sorry.