Anderson Cooper: 'Why Does Alec Baldwin Get a Pass Using Gay Slurs?' Conservative 'Would Be Vilified

As NewsBusters previously reported, Alec Baldwin had another major meltdown on Twitter Thursday which included a homophobic attack on a British reporter.

CNN's Anderson Cooper struck back Friday posting on Twitter, "Why does #AlecBaldwin get a pass when he uses gay slurs? If a conservative talked of beating up a 'queen' they would be vilified":

Well Anderson, it's simple: liberals are allowed to say and do whatever they want no matter how offensive and hypocrites in the media will always give them a pass.

It's like how feminist groups such as the National Organization for Women weren't at all bothered by how President Clinton treated women.

Since they agreed with his politics, his sexual misdeeds were unimportant.

Frankly, I'm surprised Cooper didn't realize this up until now, and that it took a slur hitting him where he lives to wake him up to the hypocrisy.

For the record, here are some of the homophobic comments Baldwin tweeted Thursday that would have likely ended the career of any conservative media member:

Imagine a conservative radio host making such a comment. Seems doubtful he'd be on radio any longer.

But a liberal such as Baldwin tweeting this?

Probably won't impact his career one bit.

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For the record, I emailed Capitol One and told them I am cancelling my account with them.
It looks like Baldwin is not getting a pass. Cooper is a heavyweight in the media. Don't believe me? Tea Party faithful are called Teabaggers because he said it first.

(ps. he would know)
"Alec was seated across from me in First Class on my trip to Paris. He has a boat. We discovered we know many of the same celebrities."

Whispering..... wait for it.
Some liberals do not give Alec Baldwin and are not happy with other liberals giving him a pass.
Some are comparing what A. Baldwin said and what P. Deen said and compared the reaction they received and actually think Deen and Baldwin should receive the same reactions. And I agree with that : Wether you're progrssive or co,servative, if you say shit, you should be vilified equally.
Some liberals do not give Alec Baldwin and are not happy with other liberals giving him a pass.
Some are comparing what A. Baldwin said and what P. Deen said and compared the reaction they received and actually think Deen and Baldwin should receive the same reactions. And I agree with that : Wether you're progrssive or co,servative, if you say shit, you should be vilified equally.

I couldn't listen to about half of that youtube video. It was like overhearing 2 brain dead liberal college girls at Starbucks.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
For the record, I emailed Capitol One and told them I am cancelling my account with them.

So that's why the stock dropped last week. Hmm...

It looks like Baldwin is not getting a pass. Cooper is a heavyweight in the media. Don't believe me? Tea Party faithful are called Teabaggers because he said it first.

I'm not sure that he actually said it first. I heard it from an ex-Perot/United We Stand compadre of mine in Charlottesville long before I ever heard anything about Baldwin saying it. He is a dickhead though. I can't stand any of the Baldwin brothers. They're like Kardashians with penises. Here's a funny one for you. Did you know that ol' Zipperhead Baldwin actually wanted to go out with Michelle Caruso-Cabrera? Ya know, the babbling, know-nothing chatterbox from CNBC with the big tits? Her claim to fame is that she questioned the end of capitalism and the stock market the Friday immediately before the start of the biggest bull run in modern history. I remember entering buy orders one after the other that day and thinking that I hoped she wasn't right. And man, was she ever so not right. Yeah, she didn't get that job based on her brains, that's for sure. She's got a face truly made for radio, but she does have really nice tits. A face like Phyllis Diller, but hooters like a porn star.

Uh oh! I would now like to take this opportunity to apologize to anyone who might have been offended by my vulgar and sexist remarks relating to Michele Caruso-Cabrera's big tits and for suggesting that someone as completely clueless and hyperbolic as her must have gotten her job at CNBC because of her big tits. I do not believe that she got her job because of her big tits. I think she blew Bill Griffeth in a janitor's closet back in the late 90's and that's how she got the job. Just wanted to clear that up. :hatsoff:

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
It's not the first time he's pulled shit like this, either. I remember he was threatening a handsome cab (horse carriage) driver for some douchey reason (animal rights) and it devolved to him calling the guy a fag. Zero outrage from anyone.

It was 1992.

Will E Worm

Alec Baldwin also just made a physical threat.
If someone who wasn't a celebrity made comments like Alec they would be charged with a terroristic threat and or, a menacing threat, conspiracy to commit bodily harm, and possibly more.

How does Jesse Jackson get away with calling New York Hymietown?

Didn't Jesse Jackson Jr. says something derogatory about white America?
