Americans! Want to keep our porn? Vote Ron Paul!

Why are you purposely not voting Democratic? Or did you just mean in the primary (and you're not registered Democratic)? If the former, why would you purposely exclude anyone in any party from your consideration for your vote when November rolls around?

Because I'm republican.
I would like to vote for a libertarian for a lot of reasons.......It's just too bad their economic philosophies utterly and completely suck.
American Libertarians ...

I would like to vote for a libertarian for a lot of reasons.......It's just too bad their economic philosophies utterly and completely suck.
The American Libertarian party believes that freedom is only complete when the government doesn't take away your fiscal choices as well as your individual ones. They see them tied together.
fetus' don't have any rights. a person who is BORN in america get's granted the rights of citizenship. an unborn person is not entitled to representation under the US constitution.

being that a baby is up to a certain point not capale of functioning indepedently of the mother's biological system, it's quite obvious to science and biology (ya know real stuff, not just people making shit up) that it is part of her body. So the whole debate is and has always been that women don't like the idea of men in particular telling them what they can and can't do with thier bodies.

and if you do want to argue biological ethiics as social convention, then you better be an anti-war, anti-death penalty, pro-welfare, pro-UNICEF, vegan.
Ron Paul had a nice 13% showing in Nevada....tied with John McCain. Ron Paul can continue to campaign on...but it might be time to throw in the towel and either step aside or transfer his "candidacy" for an Indie run...

Oh and Prof..I sense you don't really care about changing the Constitution to rid Lobbyists. I could spend a lot of time writing out a nice plan but what good would it do? Prove how smart I am?

And in case you is important that John Edwards wins the debates because he's debating against two other case you didn't know...
Censoring is such fucking bullshit. They allow something that they don't approve of as long as the content is blocked. Or they just totally try to take away things that we as adults enjoy so that lazy irresponsible parents won't be complaining.
I doubt censorship will ever go through, I remember reading somewhere they were going to give every adult website the .xxx domain
Relax, nobody will ever ban porn. A guy has needs.
Are you trying to tell me that politicians never have sex?
And what about those politicians who are single? Do they keep it all in until they meet the right girl?

I think not. The goverment in England has constantly banned certain porn types, but never the whole thing.

If porn is banned, men all around the world will be finding other sources of nudity. You can bet your life savings that some of those sources wouldn't be legal.
if a movement arose to ban our pron, we'd do the same thing we do with our banned drugs, assault rifles, prostitution, and other victimless adult hobbies: become criminals.