Americans and Our Lack of Culture

It was once said that "to not know the world is to not know yourself". I also read something that has always stuck with me, "To travel is to make the world a part of you, to stay home is to merely be a part of the world"

I have embraced travel and taken every opportunity that has ever come my way to seek out new places that will broaden my mind to other ways of life. I remember my first trip to Europe and it will be a mile marker in my life that changed how I saw people who are different and how important culture became to me. I was 26 years old at the time and met this girl who had just come back from France and Italy and she went on and on about it. She was so enthusiastic and being someone who had always wanted to see Italy I checked into it and found it wasn't as expensive as I had thought it would be.

I made my plans and flew to Paris the next week. My first night there was a struggle due to the time difference and I woke up at 4:30 the next morning and decided to go for a walk around 5. I walked by the bakeries and watched through the window as they were making the croissant and bread and preparing the chickens for the roaster. A woman saw me and invited me in for a cafe ole and warm croissant. I spoke no french and she spoke very little english but she was so nice and wouldnt take my money for anything. I'll never forget that trip as long as I live. It opened my eyes and ever since I have had this wanderlust and want to see everything before I die.

But I recently read that less than 20% of americans have a passport. We are so stuck in our own culture, and lack of it, that we have this view that we are the ONLY real society worth experiencing. So many people say stupid shit like "America is all I need" but they have no concept of what other societies are even like other than what they see on TV. I know someone who watches everything on Travel Channel and talks about all the places he would love to go, but never does and never will. he has the money and time yet is afraid of what is out there.

As much of a pain in the ass as you think I am there's one thing I am not and that's afraid. I am not afraid to say how I feel to your face, not hidden behind a fake name like a pussy. I am not afraid to try new things and I'm not afraid to go places I know nothing about. I am not afraid of the unknown. The unknown is what motivates me in my life. I feel bad for those who stick only to what they already know. That could be food or places or whatever. The familiar is comforting but it's also holding you back from being a better person and understanding people who are different.

If I could give anyone advice it would be to travel. See the world and take a trip to someplace different where they speak a different language and eat different foods. I am going to India in January which is a place I have been on the fence about for years. There are few places in the world that are so drastically different from the US than India. I will be going with my friend who went there to study yoga and she is taking me back and we'll be there for a month. 10 years ago I would have laughed at her when she invited me, but today thanks to the last 9 years that I have been exploring the world I jumped at the opportunity and wish we were leaving tomorrow.

So please, get out of your comfort zone and open your mind to other places. I promise that you'll find more out about yourself than anything else.
Xfire is a smart lib. He won't get on an airplane, what do you suggest that he does? Does that make him any less cultured than you? I think not.

A lot of us have traveled extensively. Some of us since we were kids. *yawn*
Didn't you say a few weeks ago that you were done participating in my threads and interacting with me? And now you're trying to play me against others who are more on my side than yours. Interesting. Childish and petty, but interesting.

It's not a contest. I find it sad that so few americans have experienced other cultures and even more sad that they have no desire to. Yes you traveled as a kid. Ok, but the big yawn is your obsession with me.
Some family members of mine have just come back from two weeks in India. They loved it apart from everything being covered in shit (literally). Holidays I've planned or planning for me over the next year - Finland, Italy, China/Hong Kong & Ukraine specifically to go to Chernobyl :)
How many threads did you start yesterday? Weren't they all basically started to thumb your nose at conservatives? There aren't that many of us here so I have to assume that I was one of the intended targets basically, this thread was started to demonstrate how much more enlightened you are because you travel. Some other lib here made the claim that conservatives think they way the do because they haven't seen the world .

I was fortunate to start seeing the world as a kid because of my dad's military career. The rest I have done on my own, through work or for a getaway. I pointed out that a poster that is considered a liberal probably has a more sound worldview than you and he won't fly. Yeah, we don't like each other but facts are facts.

The air of snobbery that spills from you is humorous.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
re: Americans and Our Lack of Culture

In other news, I just got back from a trip through Fredericksburg, New Braunfels, Lockhart, and Shiner, TX before making a stop at the Collins Street Bakery in Corsicana. I wouldn't say I'm a very cultured guy but if you know anything about the destinations I just mentioned You Might think otherwise.

Xfire is a smart lib. He won't get on an airplane, what do you suggest that he does? Does that make him any less cultured than you? I think not.

There's been way too much animosity between the two of us lately, I apologize for having been abrasive and unfriendly.
I am the Donald Trump of hitting back around here, I came to that realization the other day Just with a whole lot less money. I don't take losing well.

Same here. I think I have vented enough lately
You better learn to take it well because its all your party is going to be doing. You've lost the culture war already and every day new progressives earn the right to vote and find the republican't party offensive. Good luck being a spoiled little rich kid who doesn't get his way. Better thicken that skin dude. The sound of oak hitting skull is about to become your anthem.
x why in the name of christ on a cracker would you fall into that weak ass attempt to blow smoke up your ass?


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I've been fortunate enough to travel across plenty of the world to get a serious taste of other cultures but, assuming your 20% passport figures are correct, I would say there are two huge reasons most Americans do not or have not ever traveled abroad. First, they simply can't afford it. Way too many Americans have items like "mortgage payment", "food", "taxes", "utilities", "rent", "car payment", "education", "clothing", "insurance", "medical bills" and a plethora of other such mundane financial obligations on their personal Maslow's list that are way more of a priority than "experience other cultures" will ever be. Not everyone is as fortunate as you are from a monetary or asset standpoint to have the disposable income to afford overseas travel, Mariah. Secondarily, I would say that fear is another inhibiting factor that tends to make a lot of Americans want to stay within the borders of their own country these days. As I get older and watch the proliferation of terrorist activities accelerate at an alarming pace, I know that I am much more leery about where I would be willing to travel overseas than I was 20 years ago. Unfortunately, the extremely dangerous world in which we live (especially as an American) serves as a significant barrier to those who might wish to experience other cultures but simply are unwilling to accept the inherent risks that go along with it (perhaps a factor with your Travel Channel-watching friend).

If I could give anyone advice it would be to seek love, peace and contentment in your life. If part of that equation includes travel, go for it. If not, that's fine too.


Torn & Frayed.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Jagger69 again.

Exactly right again.

...and without a hint of confrontation or condescension, no less.

Imagine that.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
American tourists are 100% welome in Germany. And you can even joke about asking "Where is the Führer?" when you enter the tour bus. Never fails to cause big laughs ;)

In general, I would say: US tourists are perfectly fine in western Europe. Or Israel, as much as you pay for the country, You Might as well enjoy visiting it :thumbsup:
What's the #1 regret people have at the end of their lives? That they didn't travel enough. It doesn't cost any more to go to Europe for 5 days than it does to NYC or Boston or Vegas (unless you're a rated gambler but then that's an entirely different set of financial circumstances)

And come on dude, with all of the money americans spend on crap you're saying they can't afford travel? Why is it that those poor prisoners living in those socialist countries are able to travel? Do they not have the same expenses in life that we have plus more in taxes to pay? The reality is that americans dont consider seeing other places because they think there's no reason. they dont know the value of experiencing things they arent used to or that are different. Fear to travel is sold to americans by the right to make them think they need pro-military people in office. Ive traveled a lot to many places and although I have steered clear of places that are known to be dangerous I have yet to have any issues or even feel unsafe. That's a load of shit.
You better learn to take it well because its all your party is going to be doing. You've lost the culture war already and every day new progressives earn the right to vote and find the republican't party offensive. Good luck being a spoiled little rich kid who doesn't get his way. Better thicken that skin dude. The sound of oak hitting skull is about to become your anthem.
x why in the name of christ on a cracker would you fall into that weak ass attempt to blow smoke up your ass?

There are battles in life other than politics. I wouldn't want to lose a battle with a health issue. The fact that someone has a fighting spirit increases their odds that they can overcome obstacles. People that don't like to lose in business is a redeeming quality as well.

I am willing to bet that Lebron James shows his ass after a tough loss.

But I will accept your premise for now that I must learn to accept the world as it is and I will be on the losing end for the rest of my life. If you are wrong, there is no doubt that you will disappear from the board, but I will be here to eat my crow.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
What's the #1 regret people have at the end of their lives? That they didn't travel enough. It doesn't cost any more to go to Europe for 5 days than it does to NYC or Boston or Vegas (unless you're a rated gambler but then that's an entirely different set of financial circumstances)

And come on dude, with all of the money americans spend on crap you're saying they can't afford travel? Why is it that those poor prisoners living in those socialist countries are able to travel? Do they not have the same expenses in life that we have plus more in taxes to pay? The reality is that americans dont consider seeing other places because they think there's no reason. they dont know the value of experiencing things they arent used to or that are different. Fear to travel is sold to americans by the right to make them think they need pro-military people in office. Ive traveled a lot to many places and although I have steered clear of places that are known to be dangerous I have yet to have any issues or even feel unsafe. That's a load of shit.

Just because you haven't had any issues traveling doesn't mean you won't (and I certainly hope you don't). Do whatever you want to Mariah but to criticize others for not choosing to follow your financially-dismissive and "devil-may-care" advice about overseas travel is both presumptuous and elitist on your behalf.
It doesn't cost any more to go to Europe for 5 days than it does to NYC or Boston or Vegas

You're still assuming that people can afford even that. Jagger is 100% right on this one. What's the percentage of Americans living paycheck to paycheck these days? My wife and I earn quite a bit above average for our demographic and this March we took our first vacation in almost 10 years of marriage. And even if you are lucky enough to be in that group who has money leftover at the end of the week, you might decide that saving for kids college or the hope of retirement some day is more important.
Also I would add that there's plenty of people who are very well traveled and are still complete douchebags, and people who have lived their entire lives within a 50 mile radius who are very well cultured. Like Jagger said, if it's your thing, do it. But don't assume that somebody isn't "cultured" because they haven't toured Europe.
I'm surprised to see you pushing this so hard Mariah.