America Rising, Enough "Change"

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
How hard is it to embed a video? :mad:



Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Oh fuck....this kind of self-righteous crap from both sides is so tired. Obama's administration has been a disaster for thanks to people who think like you do. "America Rising"??? Rising to do what? Just to get the republicans back in power? Where are their answers to all these problems? (I noticed the video conveniently didn't mention that) "Bail Outs"? Bush orchestrated the first $700 billion bailout to Wall Street before Obama was even elected. Way before then we already had a humongous deficit that was created on his watch. I guess that doesn't count, huh? You don't have any just want to bitch and get the power back. Truth is, you probably will and then what? More of the same bullshit except then the shoe will be on the other foot and the dems will play the same tune that you are blowing right now. What a load of shit from both right and left as far as I am concerned.

Both parties are clueless....especially when they ostensibly are supposed to be working side by side with each other. Nothing ever gets done and all anyone cares about is being reelected and lining their own pockets. Fuck all y'all as we say down here in Texas.
Can't wait for Tea Party candidates to pose with brooms to clean out the Washington mess. Only Palin should abstain from that imagery. People might think she forgot to park her vehicle.


Hiliary 2020
Oh fuck....this kind of self-righteous crap from both sides is so tired. Obama's administration has been a disaster for thanks to people who think like you do. "America Rising"??? Rising to do what? Just to get the republicans back in power? Where are their answers to all these problems? (I noticed the video conveniently didn't mention that) "Bail Outs"? Bush orchestrated the first $700 billion bailout to Wall Street before Obama was even elected. Way before then we already had a humongous deficit that was created on his watch. I guess that doesn't count, huh? You don't have any just want to bitch and get the power back. Truth is, you probably will and then what? More of the same bullshit except then the shoe will be on the other foot and the dems will play the same tune that you are blowing right now. What a load of shit from both right and left as far as I am concerned.

Both parties are clueless....especially when they ostensibly are supposed to be working side by side with each other. Nothing ever gets done and all anyone cares about is being reelected and lining their own pockets. Fuck all y'all as we say down here in Texas.

End of discussion.
Oh fuck....this kind of self-righteous crap from both sides is so tired. Obama's administration has been a disaster for thanks to people who think like you do. "America Rising"??? Rising to do what? Just to get the republicans back in power? Where are their answers to all these problems? (I noticed the video conveniently didn't mention that) "Bail Outs"? Bush orchestrated the first $700 billion bailout to Wall Street before Obama was even elected. Way before then we already had a humongous deficit that was created on his watch. I guess that doesn't count, huh? You don't have any just want to bitch and get the power back. Truth is, you probably will and then what? More of the same bullshit except then the shoe will be on the other foot and the dems will play the same tune that you are blowing right now. What a load of shit from both right and left as far as I am concerned.

Both parties are clueless....especially when they ostensibly are supposed to be working side by side with each other. Nothing ever gets done and all anyone cares about is being reelected and lining their own pockets. Fuck all y'all as we say down here in Texas.

Oh fuck....this kind of self-righteous crap from both sides is so tired. Obama's administration has been a disaster for thanks to people who think like you do. "America Rising"??? Rising to do what? Just to get the republicans back in power? Where are their answers to all these problems? (I noticed the video conveniently didn't mention that) "Bail Outs"? Bush orchestrated the first $700 billion bailout to Wall Street before Obama was even elected. Way before then we already had a humongous deficit that was created on his watch. I guess that doesn't count, huh? You don't have any just want to bitch and get the power back. Truth is, you probably will and then what? More of the same bullshit except then the shoe will be on the other foot and the dems will play the same tune that you are blowing right now. What a load of shit from both right and left as far as I am concerned.

Both parties are clueless....especially when they ostensibly are supposed to be working side by side with each other. Nothing ever gets done and all anyone cares about is being reelected and lining their own pockets. Fuck all y'all as we say down here in Texas.

:glugglug: :hatsoff:
I'd rep you if I could Jagger, but I can't :(




Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I am unsure about the complete situation, but does Obama not do what he campained for?

So you get what the majority voted for?

If so: Make a different vote next time.
Oh fuck....this kind of self-righteous crap from both sides is so tired. Obama's administration has been a disaster for thanks to people who think like you do. "America Rising"??? Rising to do what? Just to get the republicans back in power? Where are their answers to all these problems? (I noticed the video conveniently didn't mention that) "Bail Outs"? Bush orchestrated the first $700 billion bailout to Wall Street before Obama was even elected. Way before then we already had a humongous deficit that was created on his watch. I guess that doesn't count, huh? You don't have any just want to bitch and get the power back. Truth is, you probably will and then what? More of the same bullshit except then the shoe will be on the other foot and the dems will play the same tune that you are blowing right now. What a load of shit from both right and left as far as I am concerned.

Both parties are clueless....especially when they ostensibly are supposed to be working side by side with each other. Nothing ever gets done and all anyone cares about is being reelected and lining their own pockets. Fuck all y'all as we say down here in Texas.
Phil Hensley said:
As an addition to all the blog posts so far this weekend about the futility of electing Republicans this November, I just wanted to point out yet another reason why it won’t matter if Republicans gain seats in Congress in a couple of weeks. The first and obvious point to make is that for all the talk of repealing Obama’s big-government programs, when have Republicans ever repealed a program once they took office?

But more importantly, look at the three biggest big-government welfare programs (Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid). Republicans gained seats in Congress in the mid-term elections following the passing of all three programs. Not only did they not repeal them, and not only have they never “defunded” them, they actually now complain that the Democrats are going to cut funding to two of these programs!

I encourage anyone reading this to stay home and not vote. Your vote doesn’t matter and even if it did, electing more Republicans isn’t going to change anything.

The sad thing, is that a lot of pissed off people think that the "Tea Party" is the answer.
Sadly, the 'tea party movement' that originally began in the wake of Congressman Ron Paul's bid for presidency has been usurped and perverted by conservatives/neo-cons.
Think about it - what business does a movement ostensibly 'opposing government expansion' have to do with Sarah Palin?

Nothing. In fact, here's a bit of a side story:
Tyler Smith said:
I’m currently at a tea party rally, at the encouragement of a family member. I thought a bit of play-by-play might be fun.

The way it has unfolded so far: a prayer, mostly lauding the war dead; then a moment of silence for another recent victim of the Iraq atrocity. When I didn’t stand or remove my cap for the national declaration of adoration, I got a few dirty looks. Twenty minutes into it, every local two-bit politician has made his patriotic fervor known on the stage. Then a woman with a beautiful voice stands and sings “To God Be the Glory” followed by the most deranged version of “Change Our Heart Oh God,” mutated with the pledge of allegiance inserted in the middle, then the hymn transitioned into “God Bless America.” Again, everyone was told to stand. More dirty looks my way. When did this gathering, advertised as a rally for economic sanity, turn into a state church?

The secretary of state spoke briefly about his current initiative to require all voters to have a valid (presumably federal) ID to vote.

They now have a 12-year-old boy reading about the importance of caring for the war ruined with tax money. Also about the importance of using our tax dollars to pay for the retired generation! He wrapped up by advertising for Americans for Youth Patriotism. Yes! Indoctrinate a new generation of hosts for the parasitic state!

I’m sad to say that this rally has nothing to do with liberty or decreasing the tax burden on the American populace.

Question: How many "tea party" candidates have come out in opposition to our wars and our empire of military bases across the globe? How many "tea party" candidates have offered SOLID solutions to our debt [no, just saying "I'll cut waste and reduce deficit" is not enough... HOW do they plan to do so - name ANY govt. program that will be cut].

The answers to these two SIMPLE questions should suffice ...

Obama is the greatest troll to have ever lived.
Oh fuck....this kind of self-righteous crap from both sides is so tired. Obama's administration has been a disaster for thanks to people who think like you do. "America Rising"??? Rising to do what? Just to get the republicans back in power? Where are their answers to all these problems? (I noticed the video conveniently didn't mention that) "Bail Outs"? Bush orchestrated the first $700 billion bailout to Wall Street before Obama was even elected. Way before then we already had a humongous deficit that was created on his watch. I guess that doesn't count, huh? You don't have any just want to bitch and get the power back. Truth is, you probably will and then what? More of the same bullshit except then the shoe will be on the other foot and the dems will play the same tune that you are blowing right now. What a load of shit from both right and left as far as I am concerned.

Both parties are clueless....especially when they ostensibly are supposed to be working side by side with each other. Nothing ever gets done and all anyone cares about is being reelected and lining their own pockets. Fuck all y'all as we say down here in Texas.

I would officially like to nominate this for Post of All Time. Well done, my friend. I owe you some serious rep for this masterpiece. :thumbsup:


Hiliary 2020
I'm just gonna copy and paste this in every political thread i post on, save my right index finger some energy because i drink coffee and the TANNIC ACID is known to combine with proteins and make them less available to the body.

Both parties are clueless....especially when they ostensibly are supposed to be working side by side with each other. Nothing ever gets done and all anyone cares about is being reelected and lining their own pockets. Fuck all y'all as we say down here in Texas.
The pending class war in America --the Wall St. Investor Class vs the regular American. If the Dems can't affect change and reign in the Wall St. Investor Class, it will merely be mass murder once the Republicans are "back in business." All those god and gun loving sadsacks that watch Fox, drive pickup trucks and cheer for Sarah Palin have no clue how miserable their lives will become if the GOP does take control of Congress. :facepalm:

:glugglug: to gridlock, Democrat filibusters and Obama's veto pen!