amazing asian with small waist, thick legs and nice ass PLEASE!!!

Please I'd her. I will love u long time. But Tbh I need to to see more and whether or not its photoshopped. She 's draining all my energy!


  • tumblr_ley1taJz9X1qeokzyo1_500.jpg
    56.7 KB · Views: 272
Ok, so google image search quickly gave me the result ) The name of this cute plumpy cutie is Annie Thao ;)

You are amazingly fast ty. I've spent past night getting no sleep trying to Google her. Too bad the pic I posted is the best one she has. Any more of those sets?

Also ill post another Asian Hottie later tonight that rivals Sheila Ferrari and Elly tran!!!!! Search my post son!
Yeah, I've just seen some video of her photosession and couldn't understand what was wrong... Too bad, her legs are just usual ( And she's just same of millions other.