Alcohol abuse costing the healthcare system billions: Canadian Public Health Association

VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) – The country’s top doctors came out with a warning about rising alcohol levels in Canada this week.

One medical organization wants the government to take more responsibility for over-drinking.

The Canadian Public Health Association believes the alcohol industry would prefer to gloss over that drinking is linked to more than 200 conditions and diseases.

Executive Director Ian Culbert says one big problem is that alcohol sales brought in 10.5 billion-dollars in government revenue last year.

“But if you look at all of the expenses related to alcohol abuse, your looking at, in 2014 dollars, about $16.5 billion. About four billion of that is directly on the health care system

He understands cutting out drinking all together is not realistic, but wants people to limit their intake to 10-15 drinks per week.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Well what the fuck do they expect!?!? That Canadian beer is like rocket fuel.