Dozens of emerging, pre-emerging and well developed first world economies will now be growing crops, building plants, and making investments all with manipulated currency, making it impossible for the United States to compete on any level and in any playing field world-wide. Cynical critics argue that China’s investment in the AIIB was essentially funded by the United States’ trade deficit.
By most accounts, the Chinese Yuan is undervalued by 40%
Excluding the future impact of AIIB, currency manipulation has already cost the US GDP $800 billion and 8 million jobs, with half of that caused by China alone. Eliminating this would increase our GDP to 6%+ overnight.
With China funding these investments, which include SEO’s, through manipulated currency they have a 40% advantage over the U.S, which explains why countries like Germany joined AIIB.
So why is this a big deal? Using AIIB’s manipulated money is kind of like borrowing $100 and paying it back with Mexican pesos that only cost you $60 bucks. That’s why all of the TPP partners, as well as most of Europe, have joined China’s AIIB bank – it’s a 40% off clearance sale and America is left holding the bag.
It is intellectually dishonest to argue that TPP is “China containment” which allows the United States to ‘write Asian trade rules’. By funding the largest world bank, China now has 56 new trading partners, all governed by China’s AIIB rules. In other words, China has already written the rules of trade.
The only chance America has to excel in the global market place is to ensure REAL currency manipulation enforcement is important and strong balanced trade initiatives are enforced. Something Paul Ryan is either unwilling or unable to do.
The reality is that by forming the AIIB, China has positioned itself to control the “TPP Commission” – the unelected body of international bureaucrats that will dictate implementation, future changes and growth of the Trans Pacific Trade Agreement. China will dictate those changes, either de facto through influence, or directly through the docking agreement mechanism. In essence, if the United States Congress passes Paul Ryan’s TPP Poverty Plan, Congress will give our global power to China.

Dozens of emerging, pre-emerging and well developed first world economies will now be growing crops, building plants, and making investments all with manipulated currency, making it impossible for the United States to compete on any level and in any playing field world-wide. Cynical critics argue that China’s investment in the AIIB was essentially funded by the United States’ trade deficit.
By most accounts, the Chinese Yuan is undervalued by 40%
Excluding the future impact of AIIB, currency manipulation has already cost the US GDP $800 billion and 8 million jobs, with half of that caused by China alone. Eliminating this would increase our GDP to 6%+ overnight.
With China funding these investments, which include SEO’s, through manipulated currency they have a 40% advantage over the U.S, which explains why countries like Germany joined AIIB.
So why is this a big deal? Using AIIB’s manipulated money is kind of like borrowing $100 and paying it back with Mexican pesos that only cost you $60 bucks. That’s why all of the TPP partners, as well as most of Europe, have joined China’s AIIB bank – it’s a 40% off clearance sale and America is left holding the bag.
It is intellectually dishonest to argue that TPP is “China containment” which allows the United States to ‘write Asian trade rules’. By funding the largest world bank, China now has 56 new trading partners, all governed by China’s AIIB rules. In other words, China has already written the rules of trade.
The only chance America has to excel in the global market place is to ensure REAL currency manipulation enforcement is important and strong balanced trade initiatives are enforced. Something Paul Ryan is either unwilling or unable to do.
The reality is that by forming the AIIB, China has positioned itself to control the “TPP Commission” – the unelected body of international bureaucrats that will dictate implementation, future changes and growth of the Trans Pacific Trade Agreement. China will dictate those changes, either de facto through influence, or directly through the docking agreement mechanism. In essence, if the United States Congress passes Paul Ryan’s TPP Poverty Plan, Congress will give our global power to China.