After a break-up, who gets the sex toys?

After a break-up, who gets the sex toys?

  • I get to keep them

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • She gets to keep them

    Votes: 16 57.1%
  • Nobody gets them - toss them out!

    Votes: 7 25.0%
  • Other? (please respond with your option)

    Votes: 5 17.9%

  • Total voters
My girl & I just split. We have a big collection of sex toys (mostly dildos & vibrators, but some light s&m stuff, too), and I'm not sure if I should keep them or let her keep them. As y'all know, they're not cheap & would hope my next relationship would be into using them, so keeping them might be a good idea, right?

Or should I just let her keep them & get new ones if/when the new situation calls for it?

Ladies: how would you react if your lover wanted to use a toy with you that you know had been used with his/her previous lover? OK? No way?

What do you think?


Official Checked Star Member
Ewww, no way would I use sex toys that a guy had used on his ex! Not only is it gross, but it's kinda weird. She may have images of you using them on your ex floating around her mind, what a turnoff. You guys should split the total cost of all toys and let her keep them. That's just my 2 cents.
I dont know, do you really want to bring your new girlfriend home to find rack after rack or shelf after shelf of soiled dildo's on display? Not a good first impression .... and then to ask her to use them on herself, an even worse first impression. :nono:

Let her take them, she uses them more often right?

What Baill said.
Ewww, no way would I use sex toys that a guy had used on his ex! Not only is it gross, but it's kinda weird. She may have images of you using them on your ex floating around her mind, what a turnoff. You guys should split the total cost of all toys and let her keep them. That's just my 2 cents.

i agree with Sasha. the dildos and vibrators definitely have to go. The light s&m You Might be able to keep, but you are probably better off just starting over. If the new GF asks "where did you get those?" you're screwed, and not in a good way!:D


Closed Account
Unless your planning on using them on yourself, shop for new stuff with your next girlfriend.
Dude, for sanitary reasons, toss'em. Also, your new girl does not want to think/know that you used those toys with your ex. Shop for new toys together!
either she keeps them or toss them .

what new g/f in there right mind would want to use a sex toy your ex used
Cant say I have been in this position myself. If they were girls toys she could have them, if they were boys toys then me, but she could have the "action man" figure as long as I got the Barbie figure.
I can imagine this might be more of an issue with same sex relationships (would love to hear the arguments for and against by the blood sucking lawyers).

Ember Reigns

Official Checked Star Member
My girl & I just split. We have a big collection of sex toys (mostly dildos & vibrators, but some light s&m stuff, too), and I'm not sure if I should keep them or let her keep them. As y'all know, they're not cheap & would hope my next relationship would be into using them, so keeping them might be a good idea, right?

Or should I just let her keep them & get new ones if/when the new situation calls for it?

Ladies: how would you react if your lover wanted to use a toy with you that you know had been used with his/her previous lover? OK? No way?

What do you think?

WELL, I have an opinion on this one. Even if I didn't do what I do, I think that a MAN keeping the DILDOS and stuff would just be SICK!!! Also, they really are not THAT expensive. Go to and you will find a VERY good selection and good prices. In respect for the man, i say that they need to be thrown out.

I have to admit though, I would get the BIGGEST one that WE had and fuck myself RIGHT in front of him and tell him how he is NEVER going to be able to do THIS to me again!! LOL:thefinger:thefinger
Toss them in the garb and plan on getting new stuff with the new girl.

Or, I'm sure there's an out-of-work, recently divorced Republican Congressman somewhere around the country who will gladly relieve you of them..:thumbsup:


what the fuck you lookin at?
she can keep em, I have no need for em. The next girl in my bed can use my dick for awhile! Then eventually we could get her some toys. Or she could bring her own whatever.
WELL, I have an opinion on this one. Even if I didn't do what I do, I think that a MAN keeping the DILDOS and stuff would just be SICK!!! Also, they really are not THAT expensive. Go to and you will find a VERY good selection and good prices. In respect for the man, i say that they need to be thrown out.

I have to admit though, I would get the BIGGEST one that WE had and fuck myself RIGHT in front of him and tell him how he is NEVER going to be able to do THIS to me again!! LOL:thefinger:thefinger

That might get some attention. :wave2:
"My last girlfriend loved this one!" - Followed by sound of door slamming and tyres screeching.

Alls thats left is a lonely man alone in his room, with a useless penis and a vibrator.
Ewwww you actually had to ask this question? Dude, the toys were bought for her vag, they STAY in her vag. If you used them on yer ass, its a toss up and you guys gotta fight for it, but NO woman out there will EVER want to put another womans dong into her snatch. EVER.

Seriously, would you ever stick your dick into your gfs fleshlight, knowing she used it on her ex? Think about it.

omg I'm shaking my head bigtime right now lol.