I don't think this was part of the tour......
mentalman Nov 19, 2009 #1 I don't think this was part of the tour...... Attachments random-27.jpg 99.7 KB · Views: 337
F feller469 Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL. Nov 19, 2009 #3 I don't want to say that elephants cock is big, but he is hitting the woman on the female elephant in the ass with it and it looks like he pulled out once (for the photogs, no doubt)
I don't want to say that elephants cock is big, but he is hitting the woman on the female elephant in the ass with it and it looks like he pulled out once (for the photogs, no doubt)
Shadowfax 10 Nov 19, 2009 #4 The poor elephant couldn't wait for the people to go away so he can be alone with the female elephant.
The poor elephant couldn't wait for the people to go away so he can be alone with the female elephant.
tartanterrier Is somewhere outhere. Nov 19, 2009 #5 feller469 said: I don't want to say that elephants cock is big, but he is hitting the woman on the female elephant in the ass with it and it looks like he pulled out once (for the photogs, no doubt) Click to expand... She looks like she's enjoy it too
feller469 said: I don't want to say that elephants cock is big, but he is hitting the woman on the female elephant in the ass with it and it looks like he pulled out once (for the photogs, no doubt) Click to expand... She looks like she's enjoy it too
mentalman Nov 19, 2009 #6 tartanterrier said: She looks like she's enjoy it too Click to expand... I think the guy in the shorts sitting up front is enjoying it the most.
tartanterrier said: She looks like she's enjoy it too Click to expand... I think the guy in the shorts sitting up front is enjoying it the most.
~~whimsy~~ Nov 19, 2009 #7 Looks like the woman on the elephant receiving isn't too happy seeing her sister getting banged...
Metallicus 156 Nov 20, 2009 #9 mentalman said: I don't think this was part of the tour...... Click to expand... LMAO There's no better way to explain that
mentalman said: I don't think this was part of the tour...... Click to expand... LMAO There's no better way to explain that
A African Aug 30, 2010 #10 feller469 said: ...and it looks like he pulled out once (for the photogs, no doubt) Click to expand... Yeah, there is some wet splatter on the female elephants butt crack...
feller469 said: ...and it looks like he pulled out once (for the photogs, no doubt) Click to expand... Yeah, there is some wet splatter on the female elephants butt crack...
Bullly Hayes Aug 30, 2010 #11 The guy in front had to jump down and quickly take off his poncho, which in reality was an ele-condom, quickly apply it, and jump back onto the lead elephant where he fegns non-chalance. Now that is a skill they don't teach in school.
The guy in front had to jump down and quickly take off his poncho, which in reality was an ele-condom, quickly apply it, and jump back onto the lead elephant where he fegns non-chalance. Now that is a skill they don't teach in school.
L LukeEl I am a failure to the Korean side of my family Aug 30, 2010 #12 That was fucking awsome! You gotta love nature.
vodkazvictim Why save the world, when you can rule it? Aug 30, 2010 #19 I love the way the gay on the riding elephant is grinning and the girl on the recieving elephant is shocked. Wait, thats a female?!
I love the way the gay on the riding elephant is grinning and the girl on the recieving elephant is shocked. Wait, thats a female?!