So there's this classmate I like; we share this course once a week. We've been to the movies before (it wasn't technically a date) and we will briefly chat after classes but nothing really serious has come out of that. I thought it was too soon for me to come clean about my feelings (should men always take the first step? Dammit!). We have some things in common but disagree on others. Anyway, that's beyond the point here. I just asked her if she wanted to go out but she didn't answer, she seemed hesitant so I told her I'd phone her tomorrow, that she didn't need to reply at that moment.
What do you think? What should I do next? Should I phone her, text her? I fear I may get rejected and the hardest part would be to see her afterwards at classes, it'd be kind of uncomfortable... How should I react (or what should I do) if I get a "no"?
What do you think? What should I do next? Should I phone her, text her? I fear I may get rejected and the hardest part would be to see her afterwards at classes, it'd be kind of uncomfortable... How should I react (or what should I do) if I get a "no"?