advice with girl needed

So there's this classmate I like; we share this course once a week. We've been to the movies before (it wasn't technically a date) and we will briefly chat after classes but nothing really serious has come out of that. I thought it was too soon for me to come clean about my feelings (should men always take the first step? Dammit!). We have some things in common but disagree on others. Anyway, that's beyond the point here. I just asked her if she wanted to go out but she didn't answer, she seemed hesitant so I told her I'd phone her tomorrow, that she didn't need to reply at that moment.

What do you think? What should I do next? Should I phone her, text her? I fear I may get rejected and the hardest part would be to see her afterwards at classes, it'd be kind of uncomfortable... How should I react (or what should I do) if I get a "no"?
I would invite her to Skype and when you start your video chat stand up and start smearing feces all over your bare chest. That should seal the deal.


Don't call tomorrow.

Wait a few days and then contact.


Ideally, wait until you see her again in class and make small talk with her.

See how she reacts - she may appear more interested. :2 cents:
Well her being hesitant when you asked isn't a good sign, its not liked you asked right out of the blue you two have chatted for long enough time and have done stuff outside of class. I think she may just see you as a 'friend' so if I were you i'd just act like you have normally been acting and maybe ask again in a week or so. If she does the same thing then you should just move on and stop wasting your time because all you are is just a class buddy and once the class is done she will not need you anymore!

You're better than her! ;)

Briana Lee

Official Checked Star Member
I would invite her to Skype and when you start your video chat stand up and start smearing feces all over your bare chest. That should seal the deal.

^^^^^^^^^^^^Dude, what is wrong with u?! :surprise:

Anyway, I agree with busaguy, given her hesitation I wouldn't pressure her too much too soon otherwise you run the risk of scaring her off. Leave it a week and try again. At least you had the courage to ask in the first place. Alot of guys don't even do that.
I hope it all works out for you babe.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Find another woman to chat up and hang out with. The jealousy will drive the other one nuts.
Dude... I can smell your desperation through my computer monitor. Come clean about your feelings? You haven't even been out on a date yet. Talking like that, You Might as well be walking up to her with a handkerchief and a bottle of chloroform, because her reaction is going to be about the same. Back off. Calm down. Keep your options open. And let her take the next step.
I guess I shouldn't have told her I'd call her the next day... now I'm in like a catch22 situation: if I do call her it may seem as though I'm too desperate but if I don't then she may interpet that as if I'm not keeping my word...


Lord Dipstick
Keep it movin, my dood.
If she even REMOTELY had ANY sort of feelings for you OR ANY type of class, she would have answered you (yes or no) right away.

Just leave it hanging.....and not your joint either, na mean?:facepalm:


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Sadly, she's THAT type. If you really want to get her interested in you then brush her off and start hanging out with another girl. But then again, what's really the point? Just forget about her.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Kill her.
After that you can do whatever you want with her without fear of disagreement.
I guess I shouldn't have told her I'd call her the next day... now I'm in like a catch22 situation: if I do call her it may seem as though I'm too desperate but if I don't then she may interpet that as if I'm not keeping my word...

No catch 22 son, don't have to call her, text her, say whats up or something, keep it short or say something about class, start a text conversation and if she doesn't bite or gives you short one word answers to things well i'd just cool things off for a few days, make her be the one to say something to you, if she doesn't then you know all this effort was for not and you can move on because i'm pretty sure she is the only girl in that class that catches your fancy!
Find another woman to chat up and hang out with. The jealousy will drive the other one nuts.

I actually agree with this. It did work for me way back in the day. It seems to me that women like competition, so if it appears that some other girls want to go out with you, or that you're now paying more attention to someone else, that does make her see you in a different light. Think of Macy's having a sale on purses. Some girl sees a purse she thinks is okay but doesn't take it right then and there until another chick comes along and takes it and says how nice it is and that it'll look great with her little black dress, then the first chick will think "oh, it might just look great with MY little black dress", then she'll want it.

Think of it this way: Women like what they can't have.
Do what I do - call, but don't speak. Just breathe heavily on the phone while she listens. She'll grow more and more frantic, seriously afraid for her life if you repeat the call more than 57 times.

It's great fun.