A GREAT solution for the problems in the Middle East

How many years of fighting and killing have been taking place in the Middle East? What it all comes down to is that the muzzies don't want the jews in Isreal near their "holy land". The problem is that the jews, as a people, have nowhere else to go. Being the true holy men and women that they are, the muzzies are unwilling to have them there so they would rather just kill them.

Here is the perfect solution. It will help the Middle East and it will help the United States even more.

As usual, the US will come in and have to solve the problem for the backward morons in the muslim countries. Here is what we do. The US will allow ALL jewish people in the region to become citizens and move to over here. We will make room for the entire country of Israel. All towelheads in that part of the world would rejoice! (Insert golf clap here).

Some people would naturally argue that the US is getting overpopulated now as it is, and they would ask "how could we accomodate all these new citizens (legal citizens, by the way).

Well, the ragheads can't have everything. Here is the price they have to pay for the "cleansing" of their "holy" land: When the jews move to the US, it comes with the strictly enforced agreement that every single one of those worthless towelheaded muzzies would immediately receive a one way ticket out of the US back to their country of origin (or to France if that is their preference). There is NO coming back to the US - EVER.

We will gladly take the jews, but all ragheads have to get out!!!!!!! This would be a great improvement to our way of life in the US, and all the sheetheads would finally have nothing to complain about.

About the only problem would be that our current president would also have to go, but I think I could live with that. :D


I would reply, but I can't. My eyes just started bleeding for some reason and I need to find a towel. But please, while I'm groping around frantically, tell us more about your world view.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Give the Jews the 7-11s and gas stations and the rag heads can go to their Holy Land. Win win for both sides. Someone call Mrs. Clinton.


My Penis Is Dancing!
So, you are going to kick out 1.5 million, and bring in 8 million and call that even.
No wonder you geniuses thought Romney was going to win the election.
So, you are going to kick out 1.5 million, and bring in 8 million and call that even.
No wonder you geniuses thought Romney was going to win the election.

Eight million who would respect the country and actually be productive in trade for 1.5 million who suck off the welfare system while thinking how much they hate our way of life and want to see "death to America". Yeah, I'd be just fine with that trade.