[NEEDS ID] 90's Blonde and Male Star

The Identifier

Staff member
Platinum Member
Thanks for the info. Any tips on what I can do to help in my search? Right now I'm just blindly searching every clip and movie I can find with his name attached to it and still no luck.

Click 'check scene pairings' and scroll down through the endless list of women he's appeared in movies with and when you find someone who resembles the woman in the video, click through each different possiblity (assuming there is more than one) until you pinpoint which one it was.

Hopefully it will result in an ID for the babe AND the name of the film.
Weekend bump.

I tried pair searching and nothing, so I decided to check every single movie dating from 95 and back. I'm currently in the M's so hopefully, but TBH I'm beginning to doubt at this point lol.
Apologies for the bump so soon after the last, but I did uncover new info and images that might help in my original search. After scouring practically all of the movies under Buck Adams, I still didn't find the right one. I decided to go back to the mangled tape and I was able to recover a bit more of it, and luckily a scene from the same movie as the background gave it away. So with these new images can anyone identify at least one or both of them? This would certainly narrow my ongoing search by a huge margin. Thanks.



Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Sweet sneezus THAT HAIR!

So 80s 90s.

.... Oh, that means i dig it. A lot.

Like in the same way the older generation might still haff a bell bottoms thing going.. despite it being "ugh, whyyyyy"blucher feldman.jpg
Ok guys, probably my last update for a while unless there is a major break in the case. I narrowed it down to 12 movies as I recently found out Joey Silvera is in the movie too according to these images and another actress yet to be named. Of the 12 movies starring both of them I was able to rule out about half of them as I found full versions online and none were it. The remaining ones however had such vague titles it was difficult to pinpoint. If anyone cares to take a try at this I'd most appreciate it. I'm still going to carry on but I thought maybe this might give my efforts a boost. Thank you all for helping me in this endeavor thus far.


Just made a major break in finally figuring this out. Through much help, many many searches, ID's, etc. I'm 99% sure the film is:

True Legends of Adult Cinema: The Modern Video Era​


My only problem now is finding it, or for that matter any pics from it to confirm. I don't know if my search skills are horrendous, or if this is just too old/odd of a movie to locate, but I can't find anything on it except descriptions. Anyone know where I might be able to find it? Thanks for the help on this much drawn out search.