9 Attractive Qualities Women Look For In A Guy...


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
The list...

Sense of Humor
Super Hot
Talented & Passionate


I found this list to be kind of interesting. I somewhat agree with what it says, about how those individual qualities are attractive, but I think the more accurate list would be as follows...

1. Super Hot
2. Money

If you don't satisfy #1 and/or #2, then you will not be attractive to most women, so quit reading this list because it's pointless.

3. Convenient

In order for most women to find you attractive and even worth their time, you must be readily available at all times. AKA - You have to live no more than a few blocks away from her. No matter how perfect of a guy you would be for her, she won't give you a chance if she has to drive for more than 5 minutes just to spend time with you.

4. Sense of Humor
5. Confident
6. Talented & Passionate
7. Kindness
8. Intelligent
9. Trustworthy

Being trustworthy is a very admirable quality to possess, but it is not a necessity. More often than not, women end up dating men who are 100% untrustworthy, leaving the truly honorable guys all alone.
Wouldn't it be great if there were no women? then we could all have sex with each other, but it wouldn't be gay.
Wouldn't it be great if there were no women? then we could all have sex with each other, but it wouldn't be gay.

u can't be serious... is u crazy or something? we need woman... how else would we be able to reproduce. I sure as hell wouldn't want to be having a baby. I've seen women's face expressions of giving birth and it's not pleasant. I bet that shit is ten times worse than getting kicked in the balls...

I think the list is interesting but not quite so accurate...
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A few qualities are forgotten.
To have success among women, man needs:
To have money (this one was true),
To be haughty as a fuck,
To be an overall ass,
To be rude,
To be agressive,
To be dumb,
To be unfair,
To be selfish.

In opposite, if a man is confident, talented & passionate, kind, intelligent, trustworthy etc, he most likely will become a "good friend", or even a hayseed husband with perfect perspectives to be cheated. And do you know who will be a cheater? Yes, exactly the guy that I've described in the very begining!
And do you know how many guys on the planet fit that list right now, all qualities?

I'd bet two.

Unrealistic does not even begin to describe how I feel about that list. And it pisses me off that there are women out there, many of them, who read that shit and think that it will happen for them. Prince Fucking Charming is going to ride in and save the day. Get fucking real. The woman who wrote that article needs to be slapped. In the face.


Jesus Fucking Christ.

No I'm not angry or anything.
I agree with your list Chef more so than the main article. I would probably flop Confidence and Sense of Humor though.

7-9 are interchangable.
And do you know how many guys on the planet fit that list right now, all qualities?

I'd bet two.

So you know what happens? Women settle. They realize that nobody is perfect and they decide what qualities they can sacrifice and they find someone right for them. If we did a survey of men to find the 9 most desirable qualities in a woman, do you think that that list would be easier to live up to?


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I agree with your list Chef more so than the main article. I would probably flop Confidence and Sense of Humor though.

7-9 are interchangable.

It wouldn't matter for me. I'm disqualified by the disclaimer found after rules #1 and #2. I'm OUT!!! And, because of my own God damned list, for crying out loud.
I fit about 7 or 8 of those things and it really isn't helping me. Of course one of the things I'm missing is money. :1orglaugh

If sense of humor was really on top then one should think Tunsty would be rolling in the chicks. I bet reality is a little bit different than that. ;):tongue:
I think women used to not actually consider a man's "attractiveness" as high a priority as we have always considered it when evaluating them. But I believe this "OMG!" Instyle, People Magazine/Paparazzi culture is going to work against us Men. Women read about celebrity lifestyle and want it for themselves now...the house, the car, the "hot guy."

So, lads, get friendly with a jump rope, a tanning bed, GQ magazine and a razor...if you want to get laid.
1. Super Hot - Check
2. Money - Check
3. Convenient - Check
4. Sense of Humor - Check
5. Confident - Check
6. Talented & Passionate - Check
7. Kindness - Check
8. Intelligent - Check
9. Trustworthy - Check

0 out of 9, no wonder why i'm single
damn all but the first 2, no wonder i am sitting here after midnight posting on a porn forum. . .
I fit about 7 or 8 of those things and it really isn't helping me. Of course one of the things I'm missing is money. :1orglaugh

If sense of humor was really on top then one should think Tunsty would be rolling in the chicks. I bet reality is a little bit different than that. ;):tongue:

Damn right...



Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
3. Convenient

In order for most women to find you attractive and even worth their time, you must be readily available at all times. AKA - You have to live no more than a few blocks away from her. No matter how perfect of a guy you would be for her, she won't give you a chance if she has to drive for more than 5 minutes just to spend time with you.

Well crap, someone should have told me about this rule! 3,000 miles away wasn't very convenient, was it?


Postal Paranoiac
10. A gigantic lap rocket.
11. Free of serious diseases.
12. Eats meat with his hands.
I think women used to not actually consider a man's "attractiveness" as high a priority as we have always considered it when evaluating them. But I believe this "OMG!" Instyle, People Magazine/Paparazzi culture is going to work against us Men. Women read about celebrity lifestyle and want it for themselves now...the house, the car, the "hot guy."

So, lads, get friendly with a jump rope, a tanning bed, GQ magazine and a razor...if you want to get laid.
