5 Count 'em 5 Little Questions - You want what when?


Member, you member...
1) Do you hit the gas when the light turns yellow?
2) Have you ever stopped to smell the roses?
3) Are D-rock's "Old Man" sig and avy the stuff of legends or nightmares? (Inspired by 4G63)
4) What one word describes you - be honest, if not, be funny.
5) Who is your all time favorite television character?
Uno - I actually just keep to the speed I'm going - no need to attract attention to my bad self.
Two - I guess I have not, but a couple weeks ago I was given a carnation during a grad ceremony and I sniffed that. Maybe that counts. It meant a lot for sure!
Tres - Fright at first sight! lol
Fo - Dependable. No really. Just ask me.
Five O - Kolchak - The Night Stalker! Loved it!


Nikkala made me do it!
jod0565 said:
1) Do you hit the gas when the light turns yellow?
2) Have you ever stopped to smell the roses?
3) Are D-rock's "Old Man" sig and avy the stuff of legends or nightmares? (Inspired by 4G63)
4) What one word describes you - be honest, if not, be funny.
5) Who is your all time favorite television character?
1 - yes, but not as much as I used to.
2 - oh hell yeah
3 - LEGENDS, baby
4 - committed - I am, and I need to be :rolleyes:
5 - Jack Bauer :ak47:
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Closed Account
1) Do you hit the gas when the light turns yellow?
2) Have you ever stopped to smell the roses?
3) Are D-rock's "Old Man" sig and avy the stuff of legends or nightmares? (Inspired by 4G63)
4) What one word describes you - be honest, if not, be funny.
5) Who is your all time favorite television character?

1) Down shift and pray...
2) I have, smelled like a rose, it's nice.
3) It makes me feel shameful for touching myself. nightmare.
4) Instigator
5) Special Agent Fox Mulder of X-files
jod0565 said:
1) Do you hit the gas when the light turns yellow?
2) Have you ever stopped to smell the roses?
3) Are D-rock's "Old Man" sig and avy the stuff of legends or nightmares? (Inspired by 4G63)
4) What one word describes you - be honest, if not, be funny.
5) Who is your all time favorite television character?

1 - Yes
2 - Not literally
3 - Legend
4 - Genuine
5 - Scrappy Doo


Closed Account
1) Do you hit the gas when the light turns yellow? No, I either have time to stop or to go.
2) Have you ever stopped to smell the roses? Yes many times.
3) Are D-rock's "Old Man" sig and avy the stuff of legends or nightmares? (Inspired by 4G63)Legends lol
4) What one word describes you - be honest, if not, be funny. Structured
5) Who is your all time favorite television character? Kojak "Who loves ya' baby?"
1) Do you hit the gas when the light turns yellow?
2) Have you ever stopped to smell the roses?
3) Are D-rock's "Old Man" sig and avy the stuff of legends or nightmares? (Inspired by 4G63)
4) What one word describes you - be honest, if not, be funny.
5) Who is your all time favorite television character?

1.Yes...yellow means go faster...doesnt it
2.All the time
3.So cool its old school cool...its the stuff of legends
5.Jack Bauer
1) Do you hit the gas when the light turns yellow?
If I need to I do!
2) Have you ever stopped to smell the roses?
Sure, all the time!
3) Are D-rock's "Old Man" sig and avy the stuff of legends or nightmares?
(Inspired by 4G63)
4) What one word describes you - be honest, if not, be funny.
Artistic (or so I've been told)
5) Who is your all time favorite television character?
Gil Grissom ~ CSI
1) Depends on my mood, but usually I gun it.

2) They make me sneeze.

3) Legends!

4) laid-back(does a hyphenated word count?)

5) DA-NA-NA-NA-NA....Inspector Gadget!


It's good to be the king...
jod0565 said:
1) Do you hit the gas when the light turns yellow?
2) Have you ever stopped to smell the roses?
3) Are D-rock's "Old Man" sig and avy the stuff of legends or nightmares? (Inspired by 4G63)
4) What one word describes you - be honest, if not, be funny.
5) Who is your all time favorite television character?

1) Don't drive, so my answer's moot....
2) Nope (hay fever)
3) D-rock is starting to worry me (only joking, D - but you got to admit, your sig is rather......different). Nightmarish Legends? :D
4) I've been described as "Honourable" in my younger days - nowadays "quiet" is as good as any...
5) Dunno - either Capt. Ben Sisko (Star Trek: DS9) or Gen. Jack O'Neill (Stargate SG-1)
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1 - Depends
2 - Yes, hardly though.
3 - I like the quirkyness of D-rock, He keeps it fresh so legends for sure.
4 - Good heart, it's what I hear the most. Hard working too but I'm young so it's time to rock.
5 - Mork. He was always my favorite. I was 5 or so when it was playing and I had no idea I was watching a super coked up Robin Williams, he was in his prime then.
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...and here I have to go and screw this up by changing my sig again today. The other one was just something I had until I could finish this up. The one earlier had John Moses Browning and Paul Mauser in the sig. This one has Patrick Henry and the Gadsden flag with John Browning in the avatar. I was going to have this one as the July 4th sig but Chuck Norris and the crew got in the way. :1orglaugh

Next week I plan on going back to haveing babes in it. ;)


1. Only if I am too close to the intersection to make a safe stop when it turns.
2. Yes there is a rose bush by the side of my house.
3. Legends, you only have to worry if I ever get to the point where I put Chuck Norris in a sig....oh wait...never mind.
4. Devoted
5. Homer Simpson although Dick Dietrick comes close.
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1) Do you hit the gas when the light turns yellow? No.
2) Have you ever stopped to smell the roses? Yes, the two girls named Rose I know, one smelled nice.
3) Are D-rock's "Old Man" sig and avy the stuff of legends or nightmares? (Inspired by 4G63) :confused:
4) What one word describes you - be honest, if not, be funny. Actually I've been told 'funny'
5) Who is your all time favorite television character? Tony Soprano


Torn & Frayed.
jod0565 said:
1) Do you hit the gas when the light turns yellow?
2) Have you ever stopped to smell the roses?
3) Are D-rock's "Old Man" sig and avy the stuff of legends or nightmares? (Inspired by 4G63)
4) What one word describes you - be honest, if not, be funny.
5) Who is your all time favorite television character?

1) Yes,but I live in the city;I have to.:1orglaugh
2) Yes;but only in the symbolic sense.
5)Detective John Munch (Richard Belzer)-Homicide-Life On The Street
1) Do you hit the gas when the light turns yellow?
2) Have you ever stopped to smell the roses?
When I have time ;)
3) Are D-rock's "Old Man" sig and avy the stuff of legends or nightmares?
The stuff of History
4) What one word describes you - be honest, if not, be funny.
5) Who is your all time favorite television character?
Hmmm...Hawkeye Pierce, Jean Luc Picard, Thomas Veil (from the UPN show Nowhere Man), Clark Kent (from Smallville), Horatio Caine, Gil Grissom
jod0565 said:
1) Do you hit the gas when the light turns yellow?
2) Have you ever stopped to smell the roses?
3) Are D-rock's "Old Man" sig and avy the stuff of legends or nightmares? (Inspired by 4G63)
4) What one word describes you - be honest, if not, be funny.
5) Who is your all time favorite television character?

1. Depends if I'm in a rush or not.
2. Chocolate Roses (choc-o-late drool!)
3. The answer to this is, what does DrDeath do to his test subjects in that lab. They all come out with a odd sense of reality:eek:
4. Strong - In mind that is.
5. Trigger - Only Fools and Horse and I know someone very much like him.
jod0565 said:
1) Do you hit the gas when the light turns yellow?
2) Have you ever stopped to smell the roses?
3) Are D-rock's "Old Man" sig and avy the stuff of legends or nightmares? (Inspired by 4G63)
4) What one word describes you - be honest, if not, be funny.
5) Who is your all time favorite television character?

1) Well I don't drive, so if I hit the gas on yellow I'd either be suicidal or jacking a car:D

2) Always ;)

3) Legends are sometimes made from nightmares

4) Bookish

5) Oh god, I have to decide...hmmm... okay Starsky from, you guessed it, Starsky and Hutch:D
jod0565 said:
1) Do you hit the gas when the light turns yellow?
2) Have you ever stopped to smell the roses?
3) Are D-rock's "Old Man" sig and avy the stuff of legends or nightmares? (Inspired by 4G63)
4) What one word describes you - be honest, if not, be funny.
5) Who is your all time favorite television character?

1- Depends on distance. Mostly I try and stop, but traffic engineers are idiots and make the time too short.

2- No. Those are pointy flowers.

3- Nightmares for sure. Creepy.

4- Nihilistic.

5- Er, I have a hard time picking favorites. To me, a favorite would have to be something I could live with and tolerate forever if I only had that one movie, book, record, etc.

With that in mind, I guess I'd pick anyone from Cowboy Bebop. Although I liked TMNT when I was younger.
jod0565 said:
1) Do you hit the gas when the light turns yellow?
2) Have you ever stopped to smell the roses?
3) Are D-rock's "Old Man" sig and avy the stuff of legends or nightmares? (Inspired by 4G63)
4) What one word describes you - be honest, if not, be funny.
5) Who is your all time favorite television character?

1) mostly, unless i see bright red brake lights in front of me
2) yes, but not often enough
3) legends
4) stubborn
5) Judge Harry Stone
jod0565 said:
1) Do you hit the gas when the light turns yellow?
2) Have you ever stopped to smell the roses?
3) Are D-rock's "Old Man" sig and avy the stuff of legends or nightmares? (Inspired by 4G63)
4) What one word describes you - be honest, if not, be funny.
5) Who is your all time favorite television character?

1. Yes.
2. No, and to be honest I've never been thrilled about the smell of flowers, everyone's like "smell this, it's so good" and I don't get it.
3. Legendary.
4. Errr, well, calm. :tongue:
5. I want to say Homer Simpson but that's so cliche so I'll go with Vic Mackey from The Shield.