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4 Policies That Undermine The GOP's New Voter Outreach Strategy

RNC Rhetoric:[W]e do need to make sure young people do not see the Party as totally intolerant of alternative points of view. Already, there is a generational difference within the conservative movement about issues involving the treatment and the rights of gays — and for many younger voters, these issues are a gateway into whether the Party is a place they want to be.

Actual Policy: Republicans are spending millions of dollars defending the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), generally oppose federal nondiscrimination laws to protect the LGBT community and marriage equality.

RNC Rhetoric: “The Republican Party must be the champion of those who seek to climb the economic ladder of life. Low-income Americans are hard-working people who want to become hard-working middle-income Americans. Middle-income Americans want to become upper-middle-income, and so on. We need to help everyone make it in America.”

Actual Policy: Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) budget, released last week, slashes the health and safety net programs that middle and lower income Americans rely on — like Medicare, Medicaid, and food stamps — while proposing tax code reforms that would significantly benefit top-income earners and corporations. A recent analysis from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities concluded that the budget “would get at least 66 percent of its $5 trillion in non-defense budget cuts over ten years (relative to a continuation of current policies) from programs that serve people of limited means.” GOP governors have offered plans to axe sate corporate and personal income taxes, replacing them instead with an increase in the sales tax. Such policies would directly benefit the rich at the expense of the poor.

RNC Rhetoric: “We have to blow the whistle at corporate malfeasance and attack corporate welfare. We should speak out when a company liquidates itself and its executives receive bonuses but rank-and-file workers are left unemployed. We should speak out when CEOs receive tens of millions of dollars in retirement packages but middle-class workers have not had
a meaningful raise in years.”

Actual Policy: Republicans have proposed slashing the corporate tax rate just as corporate profits are skyrocketing and wages for middle and lower income Americans remain stagnant. The GOP seeks to repeal Wall Street reform and resists any efforts to tax capital gains at a higher rate, close the carried interest loophole, or raise any taxes on higher-income earners. Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) budget, for instance, “would result in tax cuts worth an average of about $330,000 a year to households with incomes of more than $1 million a year.”

RNC Rhetoric: “Our candidates, spokespeople, and staff need to use language that addresses concerns that are on women’s minds in order to let them know we are fighting for them.“

Actual Policy: Republicans in Congress oppose provisions in the Affordable Care Act that provide contraception coverage to women without additional co-pays, have backed measures to allow employers to deny birth control to their female employees, voted against equal pay for equal work, and even stonewalled the Violence Against Women Act. Lawmakers on the state level have enacted numerous provisions that seek to severly restrict access to abortion services.


Staff member
So you want the lazy to benefit from free healthcare paid by the taxes of the honest hard working citizens, right?
So you want the lazy to benefit from free healthcare paid by the taxes of the honest hard working citizens, right?

Step one: Fly to England.
Step two: Trip and fall.
Step three: Enjoy a free hospital visit where your injuries will be dealt with and you will hopefully not be set on fire

Yet, let me get this straight, the UK have had a right-wing conservative government for 25 of the past 35 years? Universal healthcare isn't about decent folk getting buttfucked by some sinister underground cult of slackers. It's about folk not being sick and/or dying just because of the US' fuck-stupid insurance system.
So you want the lazy to benefit from free healthcare paid by the taxes of the honest hard working citizens, right?

You obviously do not know how the U.S. healthcare system works, we don't a have single payer health care system like England or Canada. We have to buy health insurance from a private insurance company, it's not free. Do your research next time


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
So you want the lazy to benefit from free healthcare paid by the taxes of the honest hard working citizens, right?
I'm really, really glad you don't get to vote in the US. :facepalm:


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
So you want the lazy to benefit from free healthcare paid by the taxes of the honest hard working citizens, right?
I know a guy who just lost his job after working for the past year full time and working part time before that (bear in mind that the Bishop of Leicester recently went on raio to decry the fact that six people were chasing every 1 job, so this guy was actually doing well) and the government are saying that he hasn't paid enough National Insurance (part of tax) to be given any jobseeker's allowance (you'd think of that as benefits).

So tell me again, how it's right that this guy paid for his safety net, yet isn't getting it? After all; he was working hard when most people couldn't (one job for every 6 people remember).


Staff member
Step one: Fly to England.
Step two: Trip and fall.
Step three: Enjoy a free hospital visit where your injuries will be dealt with and you will hopefully not be set on fire

Yet, let me get this straight, the UK have had a right-wing conservative government for 25 of the past 35 years? Universal healthcare isn't about decent folk getting buttfucked by some sinister underground cult of slackers. It's about folk not being sick and/or dying just because of the US' fuck-stupid insurance system.

So a socialist system where othere pay for the ones who don't work is better, right? Fucking unbelievable:brick::hairpull::die: Not everyone likes to be taxed and see a part of their revenues distributed for paying healthcare for the ones who aren't working nor busting their asses off. None likes free health care and social security leechers, but only socialists/leftists do.
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Staff member
You obviously do not know how the U.S. healthcare system works, we don't a have single payer health care system like England or Canada. We have to buy health insurance from a private insurance company, it's not free. Do your research next time

I know much better than you think how the american healthcare system works, so don't try to lecture me with your useless tactics. I know you a privatized healthcare system where most of people insure themselves to a certain amount of money. But you are one of the biggest Obama's shoe waxers that wants Obamacare that bad and you clearly know to whom that will benefit.
So a socialist system where othere pay for the ones who don't work is better, right? Fucking unbelievable:brick::hairpull::die: Not everyone likes to be taxed and see a part of their revenues distributed for paying healthcare for the ones who aren't working nor busting their asses off. None likes free health care and social security leechers, but only socialists/leftists do.

Actually it's a system where everyone pays for everyone; unless you live on a commune growing your own lentils you pay tax somehow, and everyone benefits from universal healthcare, hence the "universal" part. I'm sorry the world isn't some sort of free-for-all thunderdome like you'd seemingly prefer but a lot of us don't actually have an issue paying taxes so the elderly can get medicine they couldn't afford, so the children of poor people don't die of meningitis or rubella or any number of diseases they're only inoculated against because us workers help them pay for it, so that veterans can actually get the long-term healthcare they need if they come home physically or mentally destroyed... But hey, they can't afford to pay for everything themselves so they're leeches/ You're a cunt and I hope you know that.


Staff member
Actually it's a system where everyone pays for everyone; unless you live on a commune growing your own lentils you pay tax somehow, and everyone benefits from universal healthcare, hence the "universal" part. I'm sorry the world isn't some sort of free-for-all thunderdome like you'd seemingly prefer but a lot of us don't actually have an issue paying taxes so the elderly can get medicine they couldn't afford, so the children of poor people don't die of meningitis or rubella or any number of diseases they're only inoculated against because us workers help them pay for it, so that veterans can actually get the long-term healthcare they need if they come home physically or mentally destroyed... But hey, they can't afford to pay for everything themselves so they're leeches/ You're a cunt and I hope you know that.

Before calling me a cunt, make you sure, you little socialist clueless fuck that you know me personnally. I pay my taxes like you and everyone else but the quality of the care given in public hospitals has litterally gone to shit. And now the better hospitals are the private ones. The infrastructure and the organisation in the private hospitals is based on the maximum efficiency and best care given to the patients not the case in public hopsitals which employ lesser qualified and lesser experienced personnel. Maybe in Ireland, the public hopistals are still good and that is a good thing but in many european countries, the quality of public hospitals decreased significantly.
Before calling me a cunt, make you sure, you little socialist clueless fuck that you know me personnally. I pay my taxes like you and everyone else but the quality of the care given in public hospitals has litterally gone to shit. And now the better hospitals are the private ones. The infrastructure and the organisation in the private hospitals is based on the maximum efficiency and best care given to the patients not the case in public hopsitals which employ lesser qualified and lesser experienced personnel. Maybe in Ireland, the public hopistals are still good and that is a good thing but in many european countries, the quality of public hospitals decreased significantly.

When you instantly point at the lowest rung of the ladder and accuse a large swathe of society of either being or supporting "leeches" then I don't need to know you personally to know you're a cunt. If you applied the same fearmongering to any other issue that you do to how "leeches" (ie, the sick, because apparently being injured or ill is an ethical wrongdoing) then you'd probably leave the house in a bubble for fear of touching anyone. Every system can be exploited, but that doesn't mean that it exists solely to be exploited. I have never had an issue with the quality of care in any hospital I've visited--either as a wellwisher or a patient--and with two nurses in the family I think I know how hard people work to put that quality of care out there. Private hospitals will always have higher standards, for exact same reason that a Ferrari is going to outrun a Lada--you get what you pay for. And even though I know I've aready put in more tax money than I'm ever likely to see a return on in terms of care, I'd never want to see it another way. I'm glad people who make less money than me can benefit from that system. I'm glad that someone who's out of work doesn't have to worry about getting sick in the winter because me and others like me can pay taxes in to give them solid and dependable healthcare. I don't know where in the continent you're from, but if you're really that worried about universal healthcare, remind me never to get sick there.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
So a socialist system where othere pay for the ones who don't work is better, right? Fucking unbelievable. Not everyone likes to be taxed and see a part of their revenues distributed for paying healthcare for the ones who aren't working nor busting their asses off. None likes free health care and social security leechers, but only socialists/leftists do.

You really haven't got a clue, do you? Describe to me the socialist free healthcare here in the United States.
I know much better than you think how the american healthcare system works, so don't try to lecture me with your useless tactics. I know you a privatized healthcare system where most of people insure themselves to a certain amount of money. But you are one of the biggest Obama's shoe waxers that wants Obamacare that bad and you clearly know to whom that will benefit.

Haven't changed one bit