3 Guys 1 Hammer - Sickest thing you will ever see

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Has anyone ever seen it? Its possibly the worst thing i've ever seen in my whole life. Worse than 1 jar 1 guy and 2 girls 1 cup. MUCH WORSE.


Do not click this link unless you want to go in shock for a while.

Quick summary: These 3 Russian teenagers video tape themselves with a cell-phone murdering 21 people for pleasure.

This video at the top is only the murder of one person video taped with a cell phone.

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I'm not clicking on that link and I doubt anyone else is stupid enough to either.

Have fun in banination. Cuz I'm pretty sure posting videos of murder is against the rules.

uncoverreality os the old ogrish stuff...
this video is old and thee russian have murdered over 30people
and tubuler is right this thread is closed soon^^


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
You can find anything on the internet these days...


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Then how come I still can't find a video of a Samoan midget fucking a nile crocadile up the ass with a Louisville Slugger?

Have you asked Chef yet? :dunno:
I watched the video and was only able to watch up to the first swing, than closed it. I feel horrible already.. God what is wrong with some of these people!
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