250,000 jobs added in October, lowest unemployment in 50 years wages grow by 3%

Yeah but he's a racist homophobe.


Why the left hates him so much - he puts them to shame. Obama has to look at these numbers and be embarrassed.
I don’t think they take back the House with this economy. I just don’t.

I voted early this year. I didn’t sense this blue wave thing brewing.
Thank you Mr President Mr Donald Trump for the 250,000 jobs and thank you also for running such a good economy that I don't need one of those job things. I vote for you in 2020.
MAGA, MAGA, Go Trump. Now let's steamroll the democraps November 6th ;).
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Things I will look for in the future when considering voting for a president:
Are they slightly orange.
Do they push back and even tweet in the early morning hours.
Does the left consider them a man or woman child.
Do they refer to slices of chocolate cake as “ beautiful”.
Do they like people that weren’t captured.

All qualities that I will look for in any presidential candidate I am considering voting for in the future. They must possess at least 3 of those characteristics to be a successful president.