2009 Oscar Predictions

O.k.,now I really don't give a fuck who actually wins an Oscar because I think that the whole thing is a sham,but who do you think will win in the major categories?


I think that Benjamin Button will win Best Picture.Even though I haven't seen it yet,this seems to be the movie to beat this year.

I wouldn't be surprised if Danny Boyle wins for Slumdog Millionaire,it was a very good movie.

The women's categories seems like a "who cares" scenario this year.

The one thing I am reeeeally interested in seeing is if the Academy actually has the balls to give Best Supporting Actor to it's rightful winner this year,Heath Ledger.I bet that he gets shafted and they give it to Josh Brolin for Milk.I think that they just want that movie to win something,and I just don't think that they will give Best Actor to Sean Penn.It seems like for some reason,they don't like him,so I think that Brad Pitt will win it.


i predict that, like every year, i'm not going to watch hollywood congratulate itself on the pathetic drivel that passes for entertainment these days.


what the fuck you lookin at?
who cares? :dunno:

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
i predict that, like every year, i'm not going to watch hollywood congratulate itself on the pathetic drivel that passes for entertainment these days.

who cares? :dunno:

Ahh thank you! I thought Im the only one who doesnt care about all those award shows!

Its always the same they celebrate themseles like they were something special...
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Ahh thank you! I thought Im the only one who doesnt care about all those award shows!

Its always the same they celebrate themseles like they were something special...

Not to be an asshole,but if you guys really didn't care,why would you even bother wasting your time typing that you don't care?:D

I'm not gonna watch the whole thing,but I'll flip back and forward to it just because I know there won't be shit else on t.v. that night.

I'm more interested in if they are gonna screw Heath Ledger out of the award or not more than anything else.

I'll say this much though,I don't need a fucking award show to tell me what movie to like or what music I should be listening to.
So tonight's the "big" night.:rolleyes:

Anyone got any predictions?


The only award shows that matter are ones voted for by the public. The Oscars don't really mean anything.

The majority of the nominations seem pretty predictable. Although I Benjamin Button and Slumdog are pretty close, so I don't know which will pick up best picture.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Slumdog and Ledger are practically 100% locks, I think.

I'm just watching to see Rourke and Winslet win Best Actor and Actress. If one of them doesn't win I'm going to be pissed.
Slumdog and Ledger are practically 100% locks, I think.

I'm just watching to see Rourke and Winslet win Best Actor and Actress. If one of them doesn't win I'm going to be pissed.

I would almost bet money that Slumdog doesn't win,not that it isn't deserving.

I'm really on the fence about Ledger though.I think he should win but The Academy is full of assholes,and I could see them not giving it to him because they don't want people to think that the only reason that he won was because of his death.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I would almost bet money that Slumdog doesn't win,not that it isn't deserving.

I'm really on the fence about Ledger though.I think he should win but The Academy is full of assholes,and I could see them not giving it to him because they don't want people to think that the only reason that he won was because of his death.

I'll take that bet! :thumbsup:

Ledger's performance would have been nomination worthy even if he didn't die, but his death is the whole reason he is the frontrunner. I don't see how they couldn't give it to him. As much as I would love to see Downey Jr. walk up on that stage, it won't happen without the winner becoming the most hated man in Hollywood, sadly.
i predict that the winner will be a movie i haven't seen
I'll take that bet! :thumbsup:

Ledger's performance would have been nomination worthy even if he didn't die, but his death is the whole reason he is the frontrunner. I don't see how they couldn't give it to him. As much as I would love to see Downey Jr. walk up on that stage, it won't happen without the winner becoming the most hated man in Hollywood, sadly.

I was referring to Slumdog and not Ledger as far as a bet goes.

Don't get me wrong,I really want Ledger to win,but The Academy is full of a bunch of uptight assholes with their own agenda.

Sean Penn should have won for I Am Sam,a role where he played a mentally handicapped father,fighting for custody of his daughter,but they gave the award to Adrian Brody for The Pianist.Brody was good and the movie was good as well,but comparing performances,Penn was spot on in his role.

Also,another example is Denzel Washington was up for best actor for The Hurricane.All of the so called experts predicted him to win,but he didn't.So what did they do?They gave him best actor for Training Day a few years later,which was an obvious "make up" for him getting gypped for before,because he didn't deserve it for that movie.

I'm really hoping that Heath wins it,but don't be surprised for one second if he doesn't.I think that if it's not him,it's probably going to Josh Brolin.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
^ Oh, I know the bet was for Slumdog...

I'd be really surprised if Ledger didn't win the Oscar. All the voters opinions aside, the Academy is apparently worried about the shrinking ratings, and I'm sure that alot of Academy members know that giving the award to someone who is not Ledger is only going to hurt the Oscars, if he deserves it or not. I'm not saying they are going to rig it for him, I'm just saying a few members might be more inclined to vote for him for whatever reason.

And I'm amazed that you went through that whole post on Brody winning Penn's Oscar (though I would have given the Oscar to Nicholson for About Schmidt), and you didn't mention Tomei winning Best Supporting Actress in 1992. Everyone always brings that up. :dunno:
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^ Oh, I know the bet was for Slumdog...

I'd be really surprised if Ledger didn't win the Oscar. All the voters opinions aside, the Academy is apparently worried about the shrinking ratings, and I'm sure that alot of Academy members know that giving the award to someone who is not Ledger is only going to hurt the Oscars, if he deserves it or not. I'm not saying they are going to rig it for him, I'm just saying a few members might be more inclined to vote for him for whatever reason.

And I'm amazed that you went through that whole post on Brody winning Penn's Oscar (though I would have given the Oscar to Nicholson for About Schmidt), and you didn't mention Tomei winning Best Supporting Actress in 1992. Everyone always brings that up. :dunno:

I don't remember who she was up against that year and I just mentioned Brody and Denzel because they are still fresh in my mind.

You do bring up a good point about ratings though.I think most of the people that might not watch just might tune in just to see if they give it to Ledger.I don't watch any of those bullshit Hollywood news shows like Access Hollywood or Entertainment Tonight,but I wonder if they have been talking about the possibility of Ledger winning.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
You do bring up a good point about ratings though.I think most of the people that might not watch just might tune in just to see if they give it to Ledger.I don't watch any of those bullshit Hollywood news shows like Access Hollywood or Entertainment Tonight,but I wonder if they have been talking about the possibility of Ledger winning.

I read what they are doing tonight is, instad of having Best Supporting Actor at the beginning, it will be somewhere in the middle to keep people watching. Seems like a smart move.